My DC battery died I've jumped it a couple times a driven to see if it was from sitting to long, driver 5 hrs wouldn't restart, needs new battery. Problem is jumping it at night my son in law hooked it up to his jeep (which was slow to start) we were using cheap cables. There was smoke from his car and the black end of cables burned and fell off we disconnected from prius and tried with heavy cables as soon as we connected to Prius, horn went off, we stopped. I don't believe he reversed polarity but after research on the site, I'm afraid it may be possible. I found 5 blown fuses. My question is can I try to jump it after replacing fuses to take to dealership for battery or if it fried inverter will I risk doing more damage? Love the site! Thanks for any advice.
The odds are extremely high that the polarity was reversed. The odds also are high that it will NOT run again with a proper jump. Towing to the shop is probably the only reasonable option. And yes, the repair bill is likely to be HIGH.
if you can jump it, you can drive to the dealer if you fried the inverter, it won't start. but that is unusual. that's what the fuse is for
It seems the most likely consequence of a reversed jump start is a blown fusible link, something that is even more difficult to deal with on the Gen 3 than it is on the Gen 2, but in case you want to see all that will be involved you can take a look at this thread.
Thanks for the info, I called a shop locally I had spoken to owner about my Subaru when I moved here and he told me he also had a Prius. Luckily he does towing as well, he said he could replace battery and fix any other issues (except electric battery) thank you all for the help!