Key on Prius C. Can you start it if it s lost and get a new key cut Emergency start a Rius C I lost key to my Prius C can it be emergency start. It with a steel key
Many locksmiths—or anyone else who can use the restricted Smart Code Reset feature of a Toyota Techstream diagnostic system—could also fix this problem, without having the car towed or involving a Toyota dealer.
Does it matter that the c Two uses plain steel keys and is not equipped with pushbutton start? I'm recalling a thread with a discussion about whether this trim of the c actually had an immobilizer or not.
That’s a good point. In that case, you wouldn’t even need the Techstream system, much less a dealer—just a locksmith.
Prius Gen 1 had no pushbutton start and came with a key that you turned, but the key still had a chip in the head. Is the c Two "plain steel" key really a plain steel key?
I'm not finding it right this second, but there was a thread where this came up. A c owner had the key copied (mechanically) and made no effort to deal with the possibility of an RFID element in the original key, yet the car operated normally when used with the duplicate key. However, the owners' manual clearly describes the existence of an immobilizer system. I don't recall that we got to the bottom of it. I'll append a link to this post if I can find that thread within the edit window...
I just had metal keys cut for my Daughter's 2015 Prius C One using the valet key. Lowes checked and it did not have a chip. I tested it and it started the car. I have not done a test drive yet.