My wife's 2017 Prime (Advanced model) was totalled by a falling tree limb in the latest storm, so we're looking to replace it with the same thing. It was a 2017 but we'd consider any year, preferably with less than 30K miles. If anyone has one they're thinking of trading/selling, or know someone else who is, plesase let me know. We're in NJ. Thanks.
How far are you willing to travel ? Hope your wife is ok after the accident. Good luck in your quest.
Wouldn't be better to look for a new 2020 Prius Prime? How much are you getting from the insurance? In NJ, the current Toyota rebate is $4500. Add a dealer discount and fed tax credit, you are looking at least $10K off from MSRP. Also, I thought you don't pay tax on PHEV either in NJ?
Fortunately no-one was in the car at the time - we were hunkered down inside wondering how long the power was going to be out since it blinked out a minute or so before the tree limb fell.
That is another option we're considering. I went to one dealer yesterday who have the exact car we're replacing (2017 Prime Advanced, 11K miles) but they wanted $27K for it. We don't yet have the figure back from the insurance company for what they'll give us for the totalled car. Unfortunately you still do pay sales tax on PHEVs in NJ (we pay tax on practically everything). But we can save $.15 on EZ-Pass tolls on the Garden State Parkway (non-peak times)...
OK. 2020 Prius Prime Limited is $34K MSRP. The price the dealer gave you is $7K off the MSRP which includes $4.5K current Toyota rebate. Subtract another $4.5K for the tax credit next year, you are talking $22.5K for a brand new 2020 Prius Prime Limited with 5 seats, Apple CarPlay, and other improvements over 2017 Prius Prime Advanced (minus Prime App capability unfortunately). I really don't think you can find a used 2017 Prius Prime Advanced in low miles much cheaper. Even if you find it, it will not have free Toyota Care, no free safety connect, no free XM radio.
AFAIK, Toyota has not reached the limit yet. No tax law change has been applied so far, despite some talk about it. Of course, the same rules apply to 2020 income tax credit. You must have at least $4502 tax liability to be able to fully credited for the max amount. If your tax liability for the year you purchase PHEV is smaller than the max credit amount, then your discount will be smaller. I traded in my 2017 Prime Premium and bought 2020 Prime LE early this year. With the $4502 tax credit next year in my income tax return, this trade-in will be just about no money trade for me.