Hi Anybody know which color is the best or most people like, also sea glass pearl is that popular ? Why still have? ♂️
Your choice - I like white (or pale silver) - seeing TOYOTA won't give us YELLOW. I hate dark Greys or worse BLACK as it's so hard to keep clean, hot and invisible at dusk night to other drivers. Non-metallic is much easier and more reliable to re-paint in the case of a scratch or accident.
I had a black Subaru once. For all those reasons you mentioned, it was my last. I only buy silver or white now.
Yep - I bought this FORD FOCUS DIESEL - with a lovely 6 sp Manual back in 2008. Great car, didn't realise the colour was terrible till a week later - but it never looked clean again till the day I polished it up to sell it again. It had to be carefully chamois dried after washing to look actually clean - for 2 days only. And other cars couldn't see it at dusk - I drove with headlights on day and night.
I rarely see a Gen 4 - few of them here. BUT - I did see a red one today - only the 2nd I've ever seen. Most I've seen are white. I just checked the colour of the USED Gen 4s for sale here on our biggest CarSales website:
It's been said that red cars go faster, too. White and silver are clearly the most practical. Black is the least practical for the reasons clearly stated by @alanclarkeau. I would NEVER own a black car. They have to be cleaned every day to look nice. On the other hand the silver cars, while not showing dirt, never really look good either. My favorites are the various reds available on the Prius and the Prime and also Blue Magnetism. That said, the Blizzard Pearl white we just got for my wife is growing on me. It looks a little more special than plain jane white. My hypersonic red doesn't show the dirt all that much yet it looks pretty awesome when it's all shined up.
The Blue storm color on a gen4 looks pretty good. But then again, I'm biased with our Blue Magnetism Prime: Red was the second choice.
Just once a day - BLACK? I recall about 20 years ago I was looking for an executive Saloon - and I spotted a beautiful BLACK Merc E320(?) after hours. I went in on the Saturday morning and the cleaner was just chamoising it after washing it - part of the routine. I had a good look at it inside and out, but had some others to check out, said I'd come back in the afternoon if I wanted a Test Drive. I went back mid-afternoon, and the same chap was chamoising the car again. I quizzed him before I went looking for the salesman - he said "oh this one and that one - pointing to another BLACK car - need cleaning twice a day - unless it rains, and I have to do it after each shower. Ugggh - I turned around and exited. Oh - and I bought a WHITE VOLVO 940 GLE.
Just purchased my 2020 3rd red w/ moonstone. also like the white a lot, but cannot seem to get tired of the red
The only thing that needs improvement on the red paint is the removal of the side emblems. It's a great look without them: Something to consider.
I like 'em. Next best thing to a vanity plate that says "133 mpg." (My current average since purchase.) It's funny to see people's reactions when I answer their question about my fuel economy.
I'm at 138.4 mpg in the 25k miles in our Prime. No vanity plate though. A bit pricey for those out here on the best coast.
Pricey for me, too, but probably not so high as CA. You folks probably have to take off your shirts to use the toilet. Everything is high there.
Not everything apparently. I'll be able to fill our pool for under $70 using our city water. Should be able to start its use next weekend. All it took was a pandemic to convince the wife it was a good idea. I said yes dear.
I recall a conversation with someone who de-badged his car (BMW 3 series I think). Went to trade it at 3 years at the end of the lease. The car was deemed to have been modified - and the lease payout was going to be affected. I think he rapidly found the old badge and had it re-installed. Chap up the road has a de-badged GOLF with a noisy exhaust, actually sounds awful, like a cross between a croaky voice and umm ... flatulence. The DSG makes it sound even worse. I commented to my neighbour who is a VW Mechanic that I couldn't understand why someone would put a noisy exhaust on a VW Diesel. The neighbour rolled his eyes, said, yes, it's awful - but that car is a GTI!!! Made me wonder why someone would de-badge a GTI?