I'm thinking about getting a dash kit for my Prius, but I've seen some postings that suggest they tend to start peeling off after a year or two, especially if the car has gotten hot (as it sitting out in the sun all day). Is this true, urban legend, or lousy install jobs?
I too am interested in knowing if this is a myth or real.. Anyone that has a dash kit let us know how yours is holding up Thanks Chick with a Black Prius
I put a dash kit in a 2001 MPV back in 2002. It's now 2006 and it still looks as good as when it was installed, no peeling. The MPV is kept out (not garaged) Of course your mileage may vary and it may depend on the brand you get. Tim
I have a dash kit on my 2003 Accord coupe and it still looks like the day it was installed when the car was brand new, 60K miles ago. So long as you buy a quality kit, figure $200 roughly, you should be fine. If you are buying one of those $29.95 special kits, caveat emptor.
Yep no problems so far with either kit. Both of mine are Sherwood (I think that's the name), and are a high quality kit. As already said, you get what you pay for.