Should add that once cars are fully autonomous, there’s no reason why they can’t drive someplace nearby and get a full charge and be ready to pick you up when you need to head out. That would help level load the grid and further substantially reduce the number of charging stations needed.
I'm not going to assume fast DC charging will reach liquid refueling speeds in the future, and if it did, it would provide fewer miles than what most ICE cars get from a fill up. So a BEV will require more stops to actually visit a charger. If people mostly charge at home, less DC chargers are needed. If the availability of 'home' charging at apartments doesn't keep pace with adoption, we'll need more. That is farther out than large adoption of BEVs. If they use wireless charging, the inherent losses will need to be considered. How fast can wireless charging go? A pilot program is starting somewhere in Europe in which the EV cars with under carriage armatures will be powered by a 'third rail' built into the road. Such will lessen the need for public chargers. How is that so? A hybrid is still an ICE car; just one that is cleaner and more efficient. Operating one is now different than operating a traditional car, and no investment is needed in infrastructure. A BEV requires a person to change their view on how a car is fueled, and requires charging infrastructure if you want them to be utilized by more people and more miles. They have the right, but I don't see why stock shorting is even a thing when gambling is mostly illegal. If you don't believe a company is going to succeed, don't invest in it. There are larger wastes of federal dollars out there. With what was spent on Tesla we are getting cars that could help with pollution, global warming, and national security. Even if they ultimately fail, plug ins won't be going away. Many of the Tesla shorters have been trying to manipulate the stock since it went public. The government set up the rules for the tax credits, and the major car companies got their input on it; the PiP would have been excluded under the original draft. Tesla is playing within those rules.
You're right, sir. I got that one backwards. Obviously I intended to point out exactly that. The leap between Echo and Prius is somewhat smaller than ICE to BEV. I'll correct the offending post.....thanks. So... really.... No kidding! You think that Tesla is going to make it???
I think they will. There was large demand for the Model 3, and I don't think it will dry up once the adopters get theirs, as there will now be hundreds of thousands on US roads to spread the 'gospel'. The success of Tesla's cars have gotten other luxury makes to take plug ins seriously, and then there is China. If Tesla fails, they will be snatched up by one of the biggies, and continue making BEVs.
Concur with "snatched up"....which is one of my base fears with big "t." I'm afraid that it might be somebody like Dongfeng rather than Ford or GM....
Yes. It's already becoming a mandate that when you upgrade or build an apartment building you include an EVSE for everyone. Additionally, all new homes need a conduit between panel and garage so that an EVSE can be installed at a later date easily in BC:
If you are referring to the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicle, that only cost tax payers $1.75 billion. The car companies may have spent 5 to 6 billion. Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles - Wikipedia The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles: Status and Issues The companies got Bush to cancel it, and shift research to hydrogen FCEVs.
Looks like Tesla stock is getting closer at tickling the $2,000 per share mark here in mid August. If this keeps up much longer, we will have recoup the losses on our models X and S. Oh wait a minute. Under the five to one split, I guess we're looking at nearly $400 / share. And that'd be the new high. Who knows, it might be the last chance to buy it for under $500 a share. .
Instead of buying Tesla cars, I bought some Tesla stock about a year ago. I am totally fine driving my '07 Prius for now.
Bought Tesla (Model 3 SR+) in March last year and Tesla (stock) starting about 2 years ago. To this point, stock paid for vehicle 30x over. Not bragging or anything.
Market Summary > Tesla Inc NASDAQ: TSLA 2,001.83 USD +123.30 (6.56%) Closed: Aug 20, 7:59 PM EDT · Disclaimer After hours 2,009.99 +8.16 (0.41%) ... That's like really freakin' cool. Market Summary > Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class A NYSE: BRK.A 309,300.00 USD −1,727.50 (0.56%) Aug 20, 4:00 PM EDT · Disclaimer ... Just as a reference.
I'm planning to 'take profits' and diversify ~10% into at least one of these ARK funds: ARKK Innovation ETF (5 units) ARKQ Autonomous Technology & Robotics ETF ARKW Next Generation Internet ETF (3 units) ARKG Genomic Revolution ETF (2 units) ARKF Fintech Innovation ETF Source: Active ETFs focused on Innovation - ARK Invest The "(n units)" is how many of 10 units are going into each fund. The fund fees, ~0.75%, have been much greater than recent performance. Bob Wilson