If Springfield Mayor "Diamond" Joe Quimby ever needs an instant image makeover, nothing beats being photographed climbing out of a Toyota Prius. Seems like everyone and their dog can recognize the Prius — or Pious as Britain's Car magazine dubbed it — thanks to its red-carpet presence at Hollywood galas and municipal ribbon-cuttings. It continues to astound with its aversion to gas pumps, innocuous demeanour and "stealth" driving mode. "Still have fun freaking people out (usually bikers or joggers) by cruising by silently," blogged one owner. But while an affluent and fashion-conscious public has been lining up to buy new ones at $30,000 apiece, we were wondering if the Prius makes a wise used-car purchase. Tire-kickers have questioned the durability of the complex parallel drivetrains. Does the battery pack in fact pack it in as soon as the Prius's transferable eight-year/160,000 km warranty expires? Let's look closer at the first-generation Prius, sold here from 2001 to 2003, and the ownership experiences of the early adopters — those fearless consumers who embrace new technology with all the zeal of tree huggers chaining themselves to a Douglas fir. Full Article