I bought some cheap wheel trims as I dont want to pay £40 per trim just to have them stolen again. Is there a source to buy generic ones that fit the Prius wheels in the uk? I bought some but I didnt realise normal trims dont fit because the clips around the edge go too deep and the prius wheels dont allow for deep clips. Has anyone tried to modify generic ones to fit?
Unless UK wheels are different from the North American ones, I don't think the trims do anything except provide some protection against curb rash. The wheels look fine without them. That said, I don't know of any generic ones.
My alloys are bubbled up to crap and the paint has flaked off in places... I do t have time to refurb them at the minute.
it'd cost more than the wheels to ship them to England... kids around here spray their wheels with plasti-dip. apparently its easy, and cheaper than plastic hubcaps. peels right off if you decide you don't like it.