Hi All, New Prius owner and loving it! 2005 w/ well maintained 225K. My MFD is is basically unreadable with any sunlight shinning on it. I remember reading that the early MFD's had this problem but the newer MFD's fixed this problem. If I am correct, what year MFD do I want to replace it with and will it be a direct plug and play? Thank you!
mine has always been unreadable in sunlight. there is a shade for the gen2, iirc. is it set on daytime?
MFD's have ID's, you'll need to finding a matching one to be safe. If you take off the plastic around it you should be able to find the ID of yours. I unplugged mine once for 15 minutes to install some stereo equipment (didn't effect the MFD itself) and the screen never worked again after I unplugged it. YMMV. I won't unplug mine every again, since it works fine on my current Prius.
Good day to you, I ha e the same issue here. Mine is readable at night, it's yellowish, and the touch works. However, in daylight, I can't see jack. I wish to know if it's the whole Mfd That is bad or just the touch screen that is faded. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
it is likely just the LCD, but you have to be skilled to replace it. Easier to find a working one in a wrecker's yard and swap it in. Just ensure you find one with the same part number on the back as your existing one.
The after-market velcro-on plastic 'hood' shades the screen and turning up the brightness in settings may help make an old 'sunburst' or yellowed screen more readable, but replacing the LCD isnt that diifficult. Once the MFD unit is out, the screen section comes off.