Let me Google that for you...... P0A9C - Google Search Look at the second result down. Read through the information. And if you can't manage to click on the link, I have attached the result for you. But seriously, you may want to up your search skills. Basically you may have damaged a temp sensor when working on your battery pack. Edit: Kate, good one. I've seen that before as well. It's also an easy/fun prank to play.
they work for some codes, but if it isn't right, you'll have to go to a dealer or shoppe with tech stream, unless you want to go to the trouble of diy.
@ eric becky. I just got the car. Did some research and I get 20 different possibilities. Batteries have been changed 3 months ago.
Ha, ha. Sorry for the snarkiness. I confused you with another member who has been asking similar question. I apologize. We may need some more back story as to how you got to this point. Like who did the battery change. You, or someone else. Was it a NEW battery or just another junkyard one? Feel free to call if you need some advice. I am always happy to help. Talking via phone might get you on the right path a bit quicker. If you send me the VIN I'll look up some history and show you how you can do it as well. I'm available most weekdays. ************************************************************ Added later...... AJ, Glad you gave me a call and we could chat. Things we discussed Torque App - Turns out it may not work for IOS devices. Hopefully someone else can chime in on alternatives. else... google it. ;-) Bluetooth OBDII connector TechStream - Will be useful if you plan on servicing an older hybrid. Toyota Owners web site - since you bought it from someone you knew that is helpful. But the owner website may provide additional details your friend may have forgotten about. Especially recalls. You said the battery was from Falcon and less than 6 months since install. Good luck with that. Call them and check what options they have and please report back here. It would be interesting to here their take on a failed temp sensor on a battery they refurbished. Especially interested in cost. Best of luck with the new-to-you car.
So after about 150-200 miles if driving since the code was reset it came back. This is what Falcon is telling me....
25 bucks plus shipping sounds reasonable. fyi, beware of falcon, there are many serious complaints here.
Last summer, I had the red triangle of death come on a whole bunch when I was driving on curvy roads, or on steep ones. Which I do a lot because I live in the mountains. I brought it to a mechanic and he could not figure out what the trouble was. And it eventually stopped coming on. And over the past 3 days it has been turning on again in the same manner. It's a 2006 and I bought it used. Brought it to the local dealer, and they could not get the red triangle to come on when test driving, and no codes came from the computer. Today, the check engine light came on. I also have had the (!) on for a while, even though the tires are at the right psi. The dealer tried to tell me that the (!) was because I had gotten aftermarket sensors back in January. I'm scared to drive it with the check engine light on. The nearest dealer is a half hour drive. It has 212k miles on it, and has always been maintained right on schedule ... well as long as I have had it anyway. I am new to these forums and not sure how to post a new thread. Please help.
Oil getting changed at the dealer right on schedule. Engine eating oil right on schedule.Owner not checking oil ever even though the car has very high miles because why should I the dealer is maintaining the car. Right on schedule. Go check the oil level on your oil dipstick bet its close to empty..
Yes, everyone is correct. Oil was down to nothing. After reading a bunch of posts here that day, I a) learned to read my own dipstick, b) had a neighbor bring me a bunch of oil, c) called the dealer and asked exactly that question about why they didn't check the oil, and got a refund for the diagnostic, and d) had the check engine light come on, then the regular mechanic turned it off. Then the muffler went, and I had that replaced at $350. And when the engine light was on, it showed the P0505 code ... so I have been reading up on here, and hope to find someone locally who is not afraid to clean the throttle body instead of starting out by making me buy one. Anyone know if there is a way to find someone locally who is cool with helping me saving my prius from the landfill? One of my mechanics called demoralizing to work on cars after 200k miles, and said I should just get a new car, preferably not a hybrid. He's a nice guy, but that was demoralizing to hear for me .. I am trying to be a zero waste human.
Your looking at this wrong Why didn't you check the oil? Its your wallet that's going to get pounded if you dont. Zero waste will soon be zero money. You have no idea the condition of the inverter fluid and if it's pump is working ok when it fails it leaves you on the side of the road. Very very common. No idea the level of the engine coolant when that goes low becasue of a bad water pump or the water pump belt fell off from lack of interest and since no temp gauge on this car you have no idea the engine is severely over heating. Oila! new motor time. We see that alot. Are you feeling me?