Many cars today don't have "bulbs". I've read that they're over $1000 each - but will likely last 3 times the life of your car.
...and bright as hell. Every other night, someone flashes me, thinking I have my brights on. Then I flash them back. Almost wish I could downgrade them, because I know how annoying it is.
Never had a problem with mine - maybe yours need adjusting. Has it been like that since new? But then, we drive on the other side of the road.
Which side you drive on shouldn't make a difference. I bought mine used with only 16K miles, but I suppose it's possible they could use a tweak. I'll have to look into that.
Don't forget the lights are very bright below the cutoff height. When climbing, those on top of the hill/crest will be right in that very bright region. Also, if the road is bumpy, you'll appear as if you're flashing them yourself.