My cat was stolen, and I cant afford to put any more money into my car. Does anyone know of places that buy Prius parts? I dropped 3k on a brand new hybrid battery less than a year ago, so if I can recoup some of what I spent, I would love to. Please share any info or suggestions you all might have. For additional info, I live in California, so I cannot put on a used Cat due to emissions standards, so it would cost me more than 3k to replace and then who knows if it will get stolen again.
You could put on a cheap non-OEM cat that's not allowed in California and then sell out of state once / if it doesn't pass its next inspection? I've read of people that have lucked out and found success in California doing that. But more to the point call your state representative... With the amount of cats being stolen from Gen2 Prius in your state and California being the only state in the country that requires a $3000 OEM replacement service they need to change the laws because a huge amount of clean burning older model Prius are being taken off the roads due to the repair costing close to the value of the vehicles. It's counter productive nonsense and if the state isn't going to stop the out of control rate of CAT thefts from older model clean burning Prius at least they can make it more afforable to keep these clean burning cars going... And if not, do they really even care about limiting air pollution from cars? I'd be willing to bet most people who shipped off their healthy Gen2 Prius to wrecker are now driving in cars that pollute more, not less.
Unfortunately, neither Toyota, FedEx or UPS has any incentive to offer only the OEM compatible part for replacement; instead opting to sell the tailpipe and resonator as a complete unit at higher cost in the part and the cost of oversize shipping rates. Evidently, there seems to be little incentive to have C.A.R.B. test and certify an aftermarket replacement. Until Prius owners start a petition to get California lawmakers to introduce bills and propositions for implementing such requirements, Prius owners are out of luck.
Toyota Prius Catalytic Converter (Front). Pipe, Exhaust - 1741021500 - Genuine Toyota Part Seems to be $2100 just in parts.
Toyota could really help, if the sold the part marked in RED separately. This is the part stolen. The resonator and part are generally not stolen and is usually in good serviceable condition.
Normally the local TV would pick up this kind of thing and do a story but with the pandemic and trump and people horrified they have to wear a mask its a full news day.
~3..1k total cost to fix by autobody shop in Bayarea plus or minus 500 bucks depending if you get your car towed and "washed".
Ouch! Wonder why Prius owners and insurance companies don't lobby the California legislature for action?
@MaxwellSFPrius Sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, your options are few. Me? I would patch the exhaust system enough to drive out of state and have the exhaust repaired properly and continue to drive it until it was due for a smog check. There's very likely an undamaged heat shield where the thieves cut your cat loose, so you may not even need to patch it before you drive it out of state - BUT you will want to verify that because they PUT the heat shield there for a reason! That way, at least you could get some use out of it until you were forced to part company....and by FORCED I mean a failed smog check. Then I would put the car on Craig's list and sell it to an out of state buyer and get another car, and put this all behind me. Priuses are usually worth more in the California because of your state's gas pricing. Ironically, now your car is worth considerably LESS inside your state because it cannot be driven without $3,000 worth of repairs...LEGALLY, whereas if you towed it to another state an aftermarket CAT could be bolted to the car for $200 or so.'s a money/effort/time thing. If your car is in exceptionally good condition it might be worth your time and effort to go through some or all of those steps. If you don't feel like dealing with it then perhaps it's time to consider selling the car outright and getting something else. Sorry again.... Good Luck!
If you have a friend with a Nevada address you can have this shipped and installed in NV and sell it there and Amtrak back to CA.
What if you move to California with a Prius that was legal in another state? Do you have to get it fitted with a CARB-approved cat converter -- and maybe other things too?
It might be like having a car that has a catalytic converter that has been removed. Likely, you would have to install a C.A.R.B. approved catalytic converter for that year.
"Fortunately, most automakers produce cars that meet California's air quality standards, the strictest in the nation. However, if you buy a used or classic vehicle, especially one that has been modified in any way, it might not pass California's more stringent standards, so be sure to check with the seller to get all the details on any potential changes." Buying a Car Out-of-State from a Dealer - How To "1975 and newer BUT greater than 2 years from the date of production: These vehicles require a "Certificate of Conformance" issued by the ARB after a successful laboratory test. This test is administered to the same standards required of new vehicle manufacturers, and for the model year of the vehicle . However, unlike new vehicle manufacturers, as an individual you are not required to meet the full range of additional testing and equipment standards such as On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) requirements, durability testing, low emission fleet averaging, or Zero Emissions Vehicle testing (LEV and ZEV requirements). So while these standards reference what a manufacturer must do, when required by the Direct Import requirements they apply to individuals importing a used motor vehicle. Some limited exemptions apply to individuals moving to California with vehicles of these years registered in their home state for at least a year before moving to California." Frequently Asked Questions | California Air Resources Board Purchasing or Bringing Out of State Vehicle into California
I do not pretend to know. I presume that the car would have to be brought up to CARB specs. Also, there's a difference between legal to drive and LEGAL to drive. In some states, a VET is only a place to take your pet for medical care, and so even though I suppose that it is "illegal" in some way to remove a catalytic converter and replace it with a straight pipe, it's legal enough to register and insure one of these cars without detecting the illegality of the modification. it rains on the just and unjust alike. Most people, in most states, do what is right and replace a bad cat with a good cat......for about $300.
Don't know if this helps but I've had my cat stolen twice in 15 months I know how you feel, however the second time I bought an after market exhaust with cat really cheap on Ebay and a sensor then got my local garage to fit it.
What if you put a complete exhauat system from another parts car same year? Would they be able to notice that?
I was also victim of the catalytic converter gangs... mine was stolen during the night last week and no one noticed at all. My wife took the car to go to work and after 10 meters she scared like ...! What a noise if you drive without any muffler! At first I didn't know what was wrong and my initial idea was the flexible piece broken or rusty. But the car went for MOT 3 weeks ago and passed with flying colors!! Parked the car and took a dive under it and that's when I realized I had a problem... Fortunately my insurance covered a complete new system including labor and rental car. They welded a round bar directly onto the pips and also in between the second cat and the first muffler, so they can't use a pipe cutter that easy. They also welded a ring on one of the bolts and they tagged one of the threads of the bolts. Not that easy to replace it afterwards but I think this system will outlive the rest of the car ;-). Will post some pictures when I'm allowed to do (after a couple more posts).
They stole the cat off our '05 beginning of July, we are in the same boat. Meineke replaced it ($1700) but it seems we now have another problem since it was replaced before codes were addressed. Might also need to know how/where to sell.
My catalytic converter was stolen last night. I had no idea that CC were a target until mine was stolen prompting me to do the research. While it is violating, inconvenient, and costly for everyone affected, I really hate what it’s doing to those in California. For all intent & purposes, older models that can’t be fixed are being totaled. A family that can’t afford another car is hit especially hard. I wish there is something more that I can do. Who would have thought that parts not chained to the car would be stolen? This is insane!