Hey guys! Recently got a Prius C and was wondering if there is anything to watch out for such as known issues or battery maintenance. Never had a hybrid vehicle before! I live in Canada so it gets really cold in winter but also hot and humid in summer if that makes any difference.
Welcome and congrats- I wish they'd kept that color available throughout the run. I like my tangerine splash but that sunburst yellow was always the best. Mostly you need to learn to clean your battery cooling fan, particularly if the car has been hauling furry pets. Beyond that, don't jump start this car from another, and also don't jumpstart anybody else's car from yours. Get a rechargeable jump pack for those duties instead of the cables you might have thought of. The hybrid batteries in these are commonly expected to last 8-12 years from new, but nobody really knows because the oldest ones are just now 8 years old- so these are mostly estimates based on the larger versions of the Prius. That battery likes to be operated frequently and kept at approximately "human comfortable" temps when in operation. It is cooled by your cabin air, so when you run the A/C your battery gets a nice cooldown too. Just noticed in the photo- that plastic deflector is surely costing you some serious (highway) fuel economy, but it may be worth it for the bugs and stones kept off the hood. Good luck!
Welcome to the club. Other than what Leadfoot said about keeping the hybrid battery cool, you can pretty much treat it as a normal car. Follow the maintenance schedule for oils, filters, etc., and you'll find the C is one of the lowest cost of ownership cars out there. Two other unique things about hybrids, at least Toyota hybrids, are that (1) the car is started by the hybrid battery, rather than the 12v, so the stock 12v will last a lot longer than the usual 3-4 years you get from a new car battery; and (2) due to regenerative braking, your pads will last a lot longer than with non hybrid cars. I just did my first front pad change at 138,000 miles. Rear drums still had plenty of life left. So factor those two differences into your maintenance schedule, and enjoy the ride!
My little red car, named C-Biscuit (2016), is very sensitive and thrives on happy energy. As a longtime car aficionado, I can tell you that this is one of the best cars I’ve ever owned. I can’t imagine going back to a regular sedan. Enjoy your sweet ride!!
Congrats on your new entry into toyo hybrids with the Prius C Fabulous car and nice color you got there. Yes, we would like to know mi/km on the odo Some maintenance, hope you can do some minor DIY, that is all it takes. If so, look into changing out the trans oil (option) have a looksee on the brakes (front disc, rear drum) and lube up etc. Change out/flush brake fluid if you wish (depending on odo) Yes, check that fan under the back seat rotate tires just front to rear, rear to front, dont cross them. other stuff in the book is air filter, oil and filter, etc Since you specifically mentioned cold, lol, look into an engine block heater you may have it already, maybe not. Def look into getting one if you have a 120v outlet access and esp if you have short trip/commute. Dont be afraid to ask any questions, and good luck with the new one! Numero Uno in my book! Love the C!!! Congrats again!