Hi! Brand new owner of a used 2012!!! Super excited that I already drove 110 miles and I'm still on Full tanks! So it takes about 3 hours to charge at home on a 110 outlet. Those public charging stations, are they much faster? Looks like my city has lots of them.
yes, congrats! assuming they are 240v and you can get one for your house. designation: 120v = L1, 240v = L2
Congrats!!! The public chargers you have to pay for get mighty expensive. There's a free one about 3 miles from my house, but I'd probably never use it since it's so close but not as close as the one in my garage. Having L2 at home can be a big help if you find yourself needing more than one charge a day.
Yes, they're typically 240V. It'll cut the time to 1.5 hours. However, look for free ones. The PiP has a 2.2kW onboard charger which makes the fees for the station expensive for PiP owners. (Around here, the charging fees are based on you being able to accept the full 6.6kW charge so anything less and it becomes more expensive).
There are a bunch of public ones. Paid for by the city and from the business that are in the area. There are also private ones like inside Work Complexes parking lots. My friend has a newer Prime and charges his while he is at work. Say's likes a buck or 2, or maybe something like that.
Ahhh, I'll remember that next time I go! It's like those drink vouchers at festivals. Here, pay 50 bucks for drinks. Don't matter if you buy 1 or 2 drinks, its 50 bucks!
Use plugshare.com (there's also a phone app). It'll let you filter by station type and whether it's free.
If it is 2 bucks......and that gives you 40 miles or a bit less.....then you aren't really saving much money. Does it not require a different cord to charge at 240 ?
Yah, that's for his prime, so yah, not sure. but I guess, yep, not worth it if it was 40 miles or less, the prime gets 25 miles on 'lectric? Does it not require a different cord to charge at 240 ?[/QUOTE] No, you pull out the J cord and attach it to your car.
It costs me about 65 cents for a full charge at home, so about 2 cents a mile. No way would I pay $2 to charge the Prime let alone a PiP.
My work has a few ChargePoint stations with a 1.00 minimum ... I'm usually completely out of charge when I get there, so for a full charge it's usually 1.00 or 1.15 or so.
I have a 14 plug in and a charger at home. When I first got my charger it plugged in to 120 volt and took 3 hours to full charge. I wired it to 240 volt and it took 1 1/2 hours to full charge.
Well ... I'll qualify the location for you. This is Seattle area, high tech, Amazon and Microsoft country. The city/location had a median household income last year of a whopping $183,000, putting it at the top of the Census Bureau’s list. A bit sobering for most outside this area.