Looking to get set up to use Techstream. I'm starting from scratch so, I thought I'd ask for help. I'm new to it all. Advice with good explanations and or links will be a huge help. I have a couple laptops running 64 bit Windows 10 but am willing to get whatever will serve me best. Thank you in advance! Anyone out there in Central New York?
Welcome to PriusChat!! Try the advanced search (More...) feature here on PC if you like, as there is a wealth of knowledge just waiting to be discovered here : https://priuschat.com/search/201948953/?q=installing+techstream&o=relevance The appropriate "tagged" links below might be the best way to find a step by step tutorial for the various installations : https://blog.obdii365.com/tag/toyota-techstream/ https://blog.obdii365.com/tag/techstream/ https://blog.obdii365.com/tag/mini-vci/
Please document your efforts in this thread... Setting up techstream is a challenge and the more advice you can offer if you succeed, the better. I'm especially curious about which Active-X and .net plugins and updates are required to get it to work on older machines. Also many think that the software only runs on 32bit systems and I'd like to learn how to make it work on 64bit.
Will do. I found several tutorials on the 64bit and it seems if you have a good product, the issue is often the cable compatibility or a driver issue. That got me thinking of buying a paired set from a company with support.