Trying to get some help here for myself and my uncles who are trying to help me. I'm currently out of work and on unemployment due to COVID, so looking at trying to get a new used car on top of all the bills that would rise that I don't have income for just became a total NO. Now of course, its never just as simple as a basic fix. About two weeks ago- my cars triangle of death lit up along with some other lights. I managed to get it home, then into the shop. The shops results- After going HELL NO to the bill... I did some research. Found a nice company called hybrid battery 911 and got a replacement hybrid battery for $1099. they also came out and installed. Were very nice and I am also contacting them again as the hybrid system light is on. While the guy did the install (I think it was Brian) he told me that while my hybrid battery was fine, the 12v had bit the dust. He tried to jump me using his own prius and as soon as the car shut off and on again, the charge dropped to 9 something. So I ordered a new battery. Unfortunately the stupid car place while being a few blocks away has this issue of 'if you are not in their parking lot, they won't install the battery.' We did try to jump my car to get it there with no luck. Thankfully I have uncles who while not professional car technicians, have been working on cars most of their lives and are very super helpful whenever I need something done or checked. So my uncle managed to switch out the battery. The one problem was when he went to screw in the ground, the screw snapped... so he improvised (and checked connections et) as you can see in the photo. The hybrid battery and regular battery- improv ground I have no idea how to check fuses, waiting on help for that, as well as seeing if his engine reading tool is compatible with my car Under the parking brake/dash Lights - Ignore the door open The only thing I managed to fix was resetting the odometer so that it now registers a full tank of gas instead of one bar. Everything else I've tried from this site has sadly not been helpful. I have also tried stepping on the emergency brake and regular break as hard as possible with no change. Also as far as I can tell, all of the fluid levels are fine. Here is a video of me turning the vehicle on. Hitting the brake and accelerator Any advice would be amazing please and thank you!!!
welcome! start with a volt meter, and measure the voltage at the front jump point with the car off. how many miles on her?
Welcome to PriusChat!! Assuming your existing catalytic converter is OEM, be sure to "keep your old parts" as it could be worth north of 1k. That 12v install looks great. It sounds like the HV battery replacement has failed, best to see if that $1100 spend came with a real warranty. You might consider pick up a 'mini-vci' cable to use with techstream, this can save you diagnostic fees in the future. Cost $20 and a laptop.
Best way to kill an old and high mileage (i guess) G2 prius is to stop driving it. That will kill the hybrid and the 12 volt battery #1 post on this site now. . That's not a new hybrid battery you bought that's a whack a mole rebuilt battery using old modules that have just not failed yet. One of the biggest rackets out there now. Oh there real nice alright.That will be a non stop ongoing hassle. You must understand that. What does the written warranty on the battery say? The brand new battery was the $3000 battery the dealer quoted you that will last 10 years. Your whacker battery will not last long unless you drive the car. If you let it sit like it has it will die a quick death again. You must drive the car 10 miles a day in your case at least 15 miles a day to keep the battery's charged. Lots of pictures no mileage.
Missed that thanks just glanced at the pictures but car looks in good shape but thats alot of miles. Probably eats oil too. That's a tough decision to buy a whacker hybrid battery for that much for a car with that many miles. But I wanted her to get ready for the inevitable fact about a whacker battery. That guy made alot of money on her. Probably slapped in one or two modules and crossed his fingers. Damn shame.
Updates The battery quotes from the auto repair place was for a refurbished battery. They do NOT give new batteries. All are refurbished was the response when I asked them specifically that question. Also again, I am not working at the moment (and now have no working vehicle), I don't have 3k laying around as much as I wish I did. Miles- 223,570 as in picture the problem was looking at cars in my area especially another prius: 1) none in price range 2) all I could find had at least half the mileage mine does anyway 3) I am unemployed atm, with a non working car. I don't have the income for all the bills that would rise again for getting even a used car. My uncle checked connections, all seemed to be working. Checked all fuses going to brakes and ABS, working. checked the one people said likes to stop working, was working. The one weird thing was that the battery was at 11.9 volts. My uncle jumped it using his car, but the car again did nothing different when I tried to turn it on. I don't know what kind he used, but he used a device that reads codes, and it didn't pick up any. I don't know if its not compatible or what with my car. At this point all I can do is ask my friends if anyone has anything they could try to use to find any codes, or see if I can get the guys who I got the hybrid battery from to come out and double check everything. Now its trying to figure out that, and or how to afford to get the car towed somewhere and figure out Wth is wrong with it.
I've been in touch with the hybrid battery people, thus far after they checked it, there was nothing wrong on any areas of the hybrid battery as they fully tested everything before leaving. If I feel its that battery ill keep pushing them to come back out, but I don't know just yet. I am intending when my uncle comes back from vacation to switch the 12v for a new one. It should be covered for a bit.
Brenna we know very well they dont give new batterys only the dealer can do that and if you have the dealer install it then it would be about $5000. After you get through this don't buy another prius just buy a simple gasoline engine car any mechanic can work on.Hybrid vehicles are difficult to repair when they wont start and no proper diagnostic equipment. Your car has lot of miles. Its gonna be a money pit if you cannot diy. Wish you had run this by us first. And the little car icon in the top lefdt corner of the mfd outlined in red means the hybrid battery has failed. Not surprising really its quite a racket selling rebuilt g2 batterys. Sorry.
Before or after taking $1100 from you, did Brian (or the installer) test drive the vehicle and confirm to you that the codes (DTCs) were taken care by installing a 'used battery'? Order a $20 "mini-vci" cable to use with techstream, it will save you having to pay $124 each time you get stuck in a situation. Now moot, but some dealers sell new batteries for $1650+ over the counter, the other option would be :
And more updates- Had car towed to a dealer because out of ideas they're saying the key I was given with the vehicle is not registering and saying I would need another $1.5k of work to get a new transponder and two keys...this has nothing to do with getting the vehicle to start... At this point I think I'm going to have to scrap and look for a new used car even though I have no idea how I can afford it. The hybrid battery place doesn't take back batteries but the owner is telling me that I can sell the battery. He's also suggesting to sell the catalytic converter for scrap due to the platinum in it being valued at around $600+ I'm looking at options at this point because I don't know what to do. I don't have money to be doing any of this but I have no choice. Also most used prius's in the area are easily at nearly 200k miles, so not sure what to think about that considering I could easily end up where I'm already at unless I hold onto the battery (but I know nothing about storage et)
Did you pay the Toyota dealer for the above diagnosis and quote? From the images you've posted above, it sounds like this Toyota dealer isn't being honest. It is unclear how long you've owned the vehicle, and in what running condition you purchased the vehicle in. Has this vehicle ever been driven while in your possession? Please buy a $20 mini-vci cable online, which will allow you to scan the OBD2 codes yourself, then you can post them here for advice.
I'm sorry its taken forever to respond. Thank you so much for all of your help, but at this point there is too much insanity going on and I don't have the money to figure out what. It really sucks because I LOVE my prius, but I'm going to have to scrap it or something at this point. I'm absolutely devastated but there is no way I can get this fixed on my own, and I can't afford to even do a trade in for another. Apparently the place that had the car before didn't rewire the dash correctly, meaning the car wont even start. I guess they assumed the dealership would fix it for some reason? I don't know. While yes I can demand they fix it 1) they don't typically work on hybrids and may not know how, thus why its in the state it is now. 2) I don't have the time to sit and argue with anyone especially regarding towing et. and its just not worth the hassle. Dealership quotes around $500 to even start fixing the wiring. They can't turn the car on at all because of the wiring. On top of that we have something draining the battery. It could be something as simple as Bluetooth, it could be an amp which could be an expensive replacement and a lot of money in diagnostics. I could use some advice ASAP... I've got someone luckily who is willing to sell me a 97 Toyota Tercel for $500. He is getting state inspection and everything today. I've got that on hold for a few days while I figure this out. But that way I at least will have a vehicle that works, for how long I have no idea, but its better than where I'm at now. A few people have said they'd take a look at it, but it would have to be towed a long way to them and that's not happening. I've put about 2k on credit trying to repair this car overall (parts, diagnostics, and towing) I still have $800 on the loan Online estimate is showing me I could sell it being in fair condition for $300. I'm asking the man at the dealership where the car has been, who has been extremely nice and helpful (even waved my tab due to complications going on) about selling the car, or any advice he has on the matter. but I know - the hybrid battery is worth 1-4k alone as its newly refurbished (but needs to be put in a usable car asap or has chance to lose all charge and be worthless) - alternator has platinum and worth $600-800 - 12v never been used, valued at $300 I'm wondering if it would make sense to try to sell those on the forums if they have an area for that or for those parts somehow, to at least try to make up for some of the cost, or am I just screwed at this point? I'm on unemployment and I cannot take another loan right now, I simply can't afford it. Thank you so much for all of your help
Hard to say what the open market might give for such a vehicle, but I would think you could get around $1500 by posting it on CL or OU.