This was an Insurance Total in 2018. Was fixed (By whom? who knows?) and driven 50K since the repair by Uber driver who's retiring now. Dirt cheap price, and I've owned Salvage vehicles before so I know resale number in the future will be in the tank. I'm planning on keeping it and driving it until the wheels fall off. It's been trouble-free for 50K-what could go wrong in the future(other that the usual wear and tear on a car with 100Kmiles)? Your thoughts, pleeze?
I almost bought my first Porsche that was salvaged. The motor was stolen out of it and then recovered in perfect condition minus the engine. Brand new engine! That would be my only exception.
I have a salvage 2015 prius 2. Is it perfect? No...but it has been trouble free for me now almost 3 years and 36k miles. I've changed oil and filters and also put in a new 12v battery about a year ago. Why are you asking here if you know about salvage titled cars? Most everyone is afraid of them and wouldn't consider owning one. Consensus will be no way, don't do it! They can be a great way to get a newer low mileage car for less money. The reason it's cheap is BECAUSE it's salvage and something COULD need repair. Also factory warranties are no longer valid (but recalls are). If you know how to check it out before you buy, I say yes, go for it. I'm on my 4th salvage vehicle and have saved around $25k on those 4 based on clean title book value and have had no out of the way problems. But as you say, don't buy it with reselling it in mind, drive it until it's so old nobody cares any more that it's salvage. Mine was $9k in 2017 with 24k miles, now getting near problems.
Sounds like the risk would be low. Ask for the maintenance records from the current owner. Go from there.
That ad is the 2019 salvage auction ad when it was bought and later if it was driven 50k after repair it now has about 100k on it. Rear damaged total losses are the best kind to buy and repair, in most cases. Pictures were taken in 2018...