Hi folks, About 3 or 4 times a year, when press the gas pedal on my 2011 Prius it experiences a severe hesitation. The car is in ECO mode. When I switch the car to POWER mode, it performs better but the hesitation is still there just a little bit. It eventually goes away after driving for 5 minutes and does not reoccur. This happens 3 to 4 times each year. Any ideas what is going on? The PCV valve has been changed. The 2011 Prius Five has had all recall work done and has 66K miles on it.
How low on gas is your Prius when this happens? Ever run it out of gas? What kind of fuel do your purchase?
Nissan had a big problem with these exact symptoms a few years ago and it was transmission. Class action and recall. Does this happen only at a stop or when attempting to accelerate while moving? Does the ICE "rev up" but the car doesn’t accelerate (trans) or is more of a delay to rev the engine (throttle sensor issue).
I mainly use QuikTrip gasoline 87 octane and yes, I have run out of gas once, maybe twice. I do like to run my gas tank really low before I fill up. Perhaps when there's 30-40 miles left in the tank. For example, when it reads EMPTY, I always set my ODO and run it 50 miles past EMPTY before I fill up again. Perhaps I am running it too low? I stick to QT or Sam's Club bc my car does NOT like Chevron gas.I cannot recall if this problem happens when I am low on gas but it may. This is more of a..I press the gas pedal a little or a lot...and nothing fu**** hapens and sometimes the car slides backwards, lol. I have to be seriously careful when it's acting this way because if I pull out in front of someone, I'd be gone and they would hit me (without any doubt). The hesitation is that bad. And then the hesitation just goes away after 5 mins. Thank you everyone for your replies.
Whoa whoa whoa, pump the brakes there, Paul Walker... Have you checked the MAF sensor? There are some other things that can be checked, before assuming the fuel pump is bad. And by the way, when fuel pumps go bad, they don't normally act up a few times a year. They act up, and stay that way. This could also be a coil that gets wet after rain or inclement weather, and becomes marginal until it dries out. This would happen on my last Gen 2. I replaced the coils (the car had 212,000 miles, it earned it) and that solved the problem. More troubleshooting is required.
Try cleaning the throttle body too. Don't spray carb cleaner directly on it; apply to cloth or q-tips and wipe it in. If you want to clean more thoroughly unbolt and lift it off (coolant lines still attached) and clean it from both sides in your hand. If you want to go that route I can post torque value info. And the aforementioned EGR, start by checking condition of the pipe running from intake manifold to EGR valve. @NutzAboutBolts has helpful videos on both these maintenance items. Addendum: throttle body bolt/nut torques in (added) attachment. A 3/8" or 1/4" drive torque wrench is best; pretty low values.
Thank you everyone. I will follow your advice. To provide more information. The Prius has always been kept in my garage so a condition where it becomes wet or experiences moisture conditions is unlikely. I will clean the MAF, throttle body, and examine the EGR. One thing to also consider is my refueling behavior where I consistently run the fuel past the EMPTY indicator by 50 miles. I wonder if this plays a role occasionally. Most drivers probably refuel their Prius when the EMPTY indicator reaches 0 miles.
If running it past empty that much, it can be the fuel pump. Here's a shot of our old 2010's at 199k miles and not run low on gas and only top tier fuel: What did you do to ur Gen III Prius today???? I'd say it might be time based-upon what you describe above.
Thank you! I'll try the other troubleshooting steps first. It only has 66k miles on it. This problem has occurred for about 2 years. Maybe 3 times a year and then goes away. It does sound more like dirt given the age of the vehicle rather than a part that has gone bad. Thank you for your time and advice! I really want to keep this car for another 20 years if I can because I hardly drive anywhere. This car has Package 5 which includes: Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC) Pre-Collision System (PCS) Lane Keep Assist System (LKA) Advanced Parking Guidance System (APGS) So I feel really safe when I do drive around town.
So I have to be honest and admit that sometimes I'm a crappy driver. The Pre-Collision System (PCS) has already saved me from one accident when I screwed up. I will never own another care without these safety advances.
Both running the gas really low and overfilling can be detrimental. It's also kinda irrational: I know it feels good, to see how far you can get on a tank, but it doesn't improve your mpg. I would just fill up whenever it's "comfortably" low, and stop pumping the first time it clicks off.
Running the gas low may mess up the fuel pump, draw up dregs from the bottom of tank. Or hey: leave you stranded... Overfilling may foul the evaporative emmision controls. Extreme overfill, you may start spilling gas when you take corners.
Motor stops because car ran out gas faster and or shorter than the distance to empty predicted and your car becomes a barrier to be driven through. Your evap canister fills up and you pump 12.5 gallons thinking you defied physics, then get a CEL