Whose old enough to remember this: "The way we were.... I was raised during a time when most everyone treated each other with respect. We didn't eat a lot of fast food because it was considered a treat, not a food group. We drank Kool-Aid made from water that came from our kitchen sink, iced tea, lemonade. We ate bologna sandwiches, or even tuna (which was in a can not a pouch), PB&J and grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, pot pies, but mostly homemade meals consisting of mainly meat, potatoes, vegetable, bread & butter, and homemade dessert. We grew up during a time when we mowed lawns, pulled weeds, babysat, helped neighbors with chores to be able to earn our own money. We went outside a lot to play games, ride bikes, roller skate, run with siblings & friends and played hide and seek, baseball, basketball, even dodge ball. We drank tap water from the hose outside... bottled water was unheard of! We watched TV shows like American Bandstand, Gilligan's Island, Happy Days, The Dukes of Hazzard, Andy Griffith, The Brady Bunch and I Love Lucy. After school, we came home and did homework and chores before going outside or having friends over. We would ride our bikes for hours. We had to tell our parents where we were going, who we were going with and what time we'd be back. You LEARNED from your Mom instead of disrespecting her and treating her as if she knew absolutely nothing. What she said was LAW!! And you had better know it!! You had to be close enough to home to hear your Mom yelling to tell you it’s time to come home for dinner. When the street lights came on you had better be home. We ate around the dinner table and talked to each other as a family unit. In school we said the Pledge of Allegiance, we stood for the National Anthem and listened to our teachers. We watched what we said around our elders because we knew if we DISRESPECTED any grown-up we would get our behinds whipped, it wasn't called abuse, it was called discipline! We held doors, carried groceries and gave up our seat for an older person without being asked. You didn't hear curse words on the radio, TV, or in songs and if you cursed and got caught you had a bar of soap stuck in your mouth and had to stand in the corner. “Please” and “Thank you” were part of our daily vocabulary! You grew up to respect the Nation, the flag, and the President, NO MATTER who it was. I’m thankful for my childhood in a more innocent time, and will never forget where I came from or the time/era we grew up in! Wouldn't it be nice if it were possible to get back to this way of life?"
Mark57, you are right it isn't a joke. I ran across this quote from our men's group and thought others might enjoy- to be honest I didn't know where to post. This might not have been the best thread to post it in and I may have made a mistake in judgement posting it here, sorry.
Word is the members of the Flat Earth Society are really struggling with social distancing. According to the latest figures it's already pushed two dozen of them over the edge.
Free at Home Covid 19 test from the internet COVID - 19: A great test A new and easy test for Covid - 19 is doing the rounds and it's simple, quick and positive (or negative if you see what I mean). Take a glass and pour a decent dram of your favorite whisky (gin or rum) into it; then see if you can smell it, if you can then you are halfway there: then drink it and if you can taste it then it is reasonable to assume you are currently free of the virus. I tested myself 9 times last night and was virus free every time thank goodness. I will have to test myself again today though I have developed a headache which can also be one of the symptoms.
Ah....how soon they forget those who fight for our freedom! The Red Shirt was Ensign O'Herlihy, and he SHOULD have kept his head down. Masks are good for dampanics, but they're not rated for disruptor/phaser fire.
I was wondering if anyone would catch the 'redshirt' reference (photo comes from laughingsquid site). I didn't expect anyone to actually know the redshirt's name. I'm impressed.
I see you weren't reading this thread one month ago. We're not just in reruns of jokes, we're in reruns of responses to jokes.