Mine just arrived today, 12/31/2003, 67 days after buying the car on 10/25/2003. I'm in California, and ours are made by prison workers. Guess they're a bit backed up? My wife's first comment though was that it was almost perverted. The sequence is: 5EXN882 - she saw the first 4 letters as "SEXiNg"... Between that and the wait time, I'm almost afraid to order vanity plates :-P -Rick
Nice plates Evan! I just sent in my order form for the same message, but I put spaces between the words (TO GO B4). Mine will be Nebraska plates. They said it will take 60 days to get them. I was behind a Pontiac today with plates that read RUCHRGD I thought that would be more appropriate for a Prius. -Luta PS--It's good to see you all over here! This forum is much more "relaxed" than the Yahoo group.
Luta, 1)Missouri only allows 1 space, or I'd have done that too. 2)Did you hear that the Ark. football coach, Houston Nutt, is going to be the Nebraska coach--about 90% certain according to our AD. 3)Mine took about 40 days. --evan
Well, now that you mention it, I don't know if Nebraska allows two spaces or not. All I could find was that if you had seven characters, you could still have one space. On the other topic, I heard on the radio on my way home today Houston turned us down -Luta
Last I heard during the Peach Bowl is that Nebraska upped their offer to $2.5 million... still "undecided." As a Carolina guy, I'll be glad to see Nutt go - he's had our # for years now.
Getting pretty OT now, but Nutt declined...he's staying home...Once a Hog always a Hog!! Soooooiiiiieeee... --evan
Guess a bunch of us are on the same wave length. I expect to receive my North Carolina plates in a couple of weeks. Yes - TO-GO-B4
Well, this'll be my first post here - My vanity plates should be showing up any day: "NVIROCAR" . What do you think?
SHOCKNG Those are my plates, SHOCKNG, a play on the electric side (though some may say it fits my attitude/language sometimes ;-) Amazingly enough, ELECTRC wasn't taken in Florida. If we had 2 Prius, that would have been the plate for the other. But my wife's car has to break too many times (putting a spare tranny in it over the next few days) before we buy another, so they'll be long gone by then.
My '03's vanity plate is "MEGAVLT". Haven't decided on the plates for my '04. Did see a cute one I wish I had thought of on a Salsa Red '04 today - "VLTZWGN".
Hi All, I just got a note from our Secretary of State that tells me I will get my requested plate. I won't get the car for another week or two but I wanted to jump on this fast. To explain the plate I must tell you that I am a Roman Catholic Priest. I serve 3 Parishes in about a 60 mile circle. I thus spend a lot of time on the road. So with the purchase of the Prius I decided to announce not only my desire for fuel efficiency but also my chosen vocation hence the soon to be IL plate: PRIUST 1 I had to put the 1 there so it was personalized and not a vanity plate. Now all I need is the CAR Peace, Fr. Bill Kessler
I went with "NO PLUG" here in florida. I liked "unpluged" but the person at the tag office said it was already registered to a harley. tried "synergy" as well but there seems to be a company around here with that name.
My WA State plates read, "HUMU", for "humuhumunukunukuapu'aa", the Hawaiian triggerfish. In profile, the Prius looks like a triggerfish. So far, no Hawaiians here in Seattle have honked at me and the meaning is lost on virtually everyone else but it fits the overall persona of the car and sounds exotic, like some Egyptian diety. From the day I sent in my order, the wait for the plates was three weeks. Bob
I saw a local white Prius last week - DC Volts. Not quite sure why people are hot on that sort of plate since the car is not fully electric and can't be plugged it to charge the battery. Seems to give the wrong impression.