I'm doing a modest sound upgrade to my 2019 XLE (Non-JBL) and need to know what the maximum depth is for speakers in the front door. I saw someone had gone with Infinity Reference 6.5's, those are 2-1/16" deep. I'm looking at the Dayton DC160-4, a well regarded woofer, but it's listed at 3.04" deep. Almost an inch deeper than the Infinity References. Anyone measured the clearance with the window down? Not being able to roll my window down all the way would be a deal-breaker. I'm planning on using the Metra adapter rings to mount the speakers, and those add some depth, but I would feel more comfortable if I knew my limits before purchasing speakers and pulling the door panels off. Thanks in advance!
Have you tried online fitment guides like Crutchfield? They aren't perfect but are a good yay or nay reference.
Thanks, fotomoto. Yeah, I checked out Crutchfield. They didn't have specific info on my car, but I went through the compatible speakers and a lot of the more expensive speaker kits had woofers that were up to 3.5" in depth. Good suggestion. I also found a fitment guide by Pioneer, but it had the front speakers as 6x9 and 3" deep, but I discounted that info pretty quickly for obvious reasons.