The charger for my 2012 Plug-In apparently doesn’t work, it has the big red triangle, and the reset doesn’t do anything. I assume it has failed. Comments? Any idea how much a new one costs?
where is the triangle on the charger? it can be many things. start by making sure the outlet is good. then find a public charger to try. make sure the timer isn't set. test the 12v, does the car start? you can find plenty on amazon, etc., couple hundred bucks
Thanks for the reply. > where is the triangle on the charger? Just below the On button I think. > it can be many things. start by making sure the outlet is good. It gets power, isn’t that enough? > then find a public charger to try. Most in this area are the “other” kind. > make sure the timer isn't set. I have used the timer in the past as the triangle doesn’t light up and it charges when schedule. > test the 12v, It’s good. > does the car start? Yes. > you can find plenty on amazon, etc., couple hundred bucks I don’t think it is worth that much.
The red triangle is on the dash, right. NOT on the EVSE. If so there is reason to believe it is the charger, It could be many thing. Check the dagnotic codes first.
You mean this? This is the charging cable (aka EVSE cable). the charger is under the back seat of the car. I think that's what confusing people. If the reset button doesn't fix it, then you may need to replace it. I wouldn't try fixing it unless you really know what you're doing with component level electronics repair. They are plentiful on Ebay & Amazon for under $200 new.
If it is the EVSE (charging cord) you need to replace, eBay is the best place to find a used Toyota OEM EVSE. If you look hard, you can find a quite bargain. If purchased new at dealer or parts store, it is priced way too much. List price $850 ($650 street price). Cable Assembly - Toyota (G9060-47130) | Toyota Parts Cheap made in china version of EVSE sells for around $150. Yeah, I have seen a thread by @bwilson4web on repairing EVSE, but that's beyond what I am capable of.
There are so many multi-voltage, 32-40 A, EVSE out there, I suggest shop and get one that meets your requirements. Bob WIlson
Recently, the red triangle light on the charging cable (not the dashboard) came on and it would not charge the car’s battery. The service manager at my Toyota dealer said the only problem he had heard about was a loose ground prong on the cable plug. Sure enough it was very slightly loose. I plugged it back in (I had done this before) and this time it worked. The plug is disassemblable so the next time I might take it apart. It was suggested that I might just replace the entire plug, but that would obviously void the warrantee, assuming it has one.
My 2017 Prime will not click into my home or work charging station. At wits end - since I have been plugging in for three years. I am guessing it has to do with the port? Picture attached - seems a little pushed in. No green light or click when I try to plug. Ideas / thoughts re welcome! thx!!!
Hard to tell from a 2-dimensional picture, but they do look a little recessed. Mine measure 0.277" back from the face of the cylinder.
Does yours have a o-ring and could that be the cause? Hard to tell in the pic, but look around the outer edge to see. Good luck and keep us posted.
thanks for ideas - no o-ring present. Jerry - sorry about posting in two different threads - new to this - found the other one - thought it was closer to problem - but it was o-ring which 2017 dont have. My guess is that this may be a dealer issue since chargepoint and home charger dont click - will keep you posted.