What's the best way to get a 12v lighter socket in the trunk? I want to install a car DVR in the back windshield but not on all the time, only hot when the car is on, like the front lighter socket.
Yes, I was trying to show the mounting option but I was being clear mine was always on. Mine is for the electric tire pump I use for the kids bikes. Once mounted you can use a relay to trigger it from an accessory that is on with the car. Some people do that for the stereo amps that are hooked up directly to the rear 12v battery. my2cents
Yes. Probably I need a new battery. It gets that low after about 24h of sitting. There is though a dashboard camera always active.
I was just told by an electrician that hooking up a switch will keep the outlet off until flipped, but I'm not sure what type might be appropriate.
I got the Viofo A129duo. Its a twin camera front-back. You can get a set like this: https://m.aliexpress.com/item/4000296903462.html?pid=808_0000_0101&spm=a2g0n.search-amp.list.4000296903462&aff_trace_key=ced198525777430ea183925437482c20-1594324939511-03438-2u6jmaU&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=5140amp-FGpw6nYTXIq40gQ9YPemHg1596124393836&browser_id=f1258ad6aeff4fb7bd02645bb337f92d&is_c=N
Thanks! I got this one now KDLINKS-R100. I've had it several years. I placed the rear camera up front allowing complete interior coverage. I did this to protect me as a rideshare driver. The downside is that interior camera does not record IR at night.