Unfortunately I don't think I have a way of draining it where I'm at unless I can find something to use as a siphon.
If it's not over the full mark a lot (say a half inch or more) I wouldn't be concerned about draining any out. When I do my oil changes, I always put in the full 5 quarts (a half quart more than specified) and it reads maybe a quarter inch above full. It doesn't cause a problem. Especially since yours is going to use it down fairly quickly.
It's way over the full mark. I'm a bit baffled honestly. When I checked this morning, there was just a drop of oil on the dipstick. So I would have thought that adding three quarts wouldn't have put it so over the top.
What I've done a few times is loosen the drain bolt till it's almost off, then hold it in place but slightly cant it slightly, get a trickle going. I've drained off up to a pint thus, but it is stressful, and by a pint my arm is starting to shake. Another trick would be to completely remove the drain bolt, let it rip. Into a clean drain pan. Reinstall the drain bolt and pour the oil back in, minus the overfill. Hindsight is 20/20, but it is SO much easier to add oil than to remove it.
I have a siphon pump with a straw like end that’s 5 ft long and successfully extracted engine oil thru the dipstick if you will eventually want one, they do exist.
Depends on how skinny you are. If your oil change door is no longer attached, it might be possible. Only one way to find out .
I found some thinner tube in the garage that fit snugly into the siphon tube. I'll give that whirl in the morning. If nothing else, I can use just that and hope not to end up gargling motor oil.
You can jack up the passenger side, place the jack under the back bolt of the control arm. And put a jack stand under the frame. Then you can get in through the front. Fairly easy. Mendel's idea of a clean pan and just let it drain is probably the easiest and less stressful.
I'm pretty strongly inclined to agree with @ASRDogman. Another way is to find a curb you can drive up on. I siphoned oil out of my motorcycle once. I'll never do that again!!!!!! I then rode from Yellowstone NP to Denver spitting out from under a full coverage helmet in a vain attempt to get the taste out of my mouth. After that, I'll go anything to avoid getting motor oil in my mouth again.
They do make suction guns.... I have one! I watched someone sucking on a hose to pull gas out of his car for his mower... I learned NEVER to do that!!!
I don't think it's possible, and raising definitely the way to go. Ramps would be shortest/quickest route if you're not set up for this.
Well, sadly, I was a dirt poor college kid on a ride from California, up through British Columbia, down through Yellowstone, to Colorado on my old Kawasaki 350 and didn't have a suction pump with me. But, at least I didn't do like some of the "street entertainers" I saw in Honduras who do a flame-throwing act in the middle of the street using mouths-full of diesel fuel to solicit a few coins.
I have a cheap siphon pump I bought off amazon a few years back to "change" the cvt fluid in a Jeep Patriot. Since like Toyota, Jeep says it's "lifetime" fluid, they didn't even put a drain plug on the transmission pan. I siphoned (pumped) out as much as I could and refilled the same amount back in through the filler tube, then did that again a few weeks later, Not a full exchange, but much better than nothing!. The pump looks something like a bicycle pump but smaller and with 2 hoses. Probably less than $20, I don't remember.
That probably would have been much more efficient. Took me about an hour and a half using the siphon my friend brought me. I had to cut the original tube in half to get less air and the hand pump was the squeeze kind, it slightly leaked so it got a bit messy. But all's good now and I won't make that mistake again!