Got a level 2 bsa charger to use at home, works great, cuts charge time down to just under 2hrs, well made with nice quality cords, a variety of plugs&cord lengths available.Also added a Noco 2a smart charger-connected to battery with ring connectors&routed power cord to diy plug in hidden behind front license plate.Found that prime does have a fair amount of battery drain per day as previously mentioned by others so i will keep it plugged in when not being used daily.
Congrats. How about a link for that BSA EVSE? Can't find one anywhere. (BTW, the charger is under the back seat of the car. The cable is not a charger. Just to make the terminology clear.) L2 charging is a game changer for me since I make so many trips after work or even during work hours.
That's exactly what I am planning to do. I already got Noco2A charger, 110v extension plug-in adapter and also, a spring loaded bracket for the license plate to install the plug-in adapter behind the license plate. I just have not got to installing it. Did you have any problem fishing the power line down to the bumper cover? I would love to see some photos if you have. Thanks in advance.
Evse is duosida 16a, 240v from -look under charging stations on their web page-can be ordered with several different plug types and cable lengths- dont know how to add a link yet.As far as noco charger cable I just ran it under plastic hood release cover panel-through front fixed grill opening just below round emblem and under front plate- you can just barely see a little bit of cable if your looking for it.Also ran block heater cable same way to other sid of license plate-will try and get pictures later.
Ah! Thanks. I have a Duosaida L2. Works well but I did have to modify it a bit because it fit so tightly into the charging port that it was on the verge of damaging the pins in the port. I hear that a lot about this brand, so it's not just mine with the problem. Still, it's worked great for almost three years.
Originally, I tried using dielectric grease, but that didn't make much difference, so I got serious about it. First, I determined that it was the three large pins by taking apart the EVSE handle and trying them one at a time as well as trying the handle w/o the sockets in it. Once I knew which ones it was, I found a drill bit that took less pressure to insert in the EVSE pin sockets than it took to put the sockets on the pins in the car. I wanted to be careful to not use too big of a drill bit. Then I just reamed out the sockets so they still took a bit of a push, but less than before. Then I reassembled the handle. It still is a little snug, but doesn't make me nervous anymore. There is one drawback in that those sockets are plated and the drill removed the plating. And there is also the risk of going too far and causing a loose connection, so you need to be very careful. In my case, it worked fine. In hindsight, the ideal solution would be to find a bad OEM EVSE and transplant those sockets to the Duosaida if they are interchangeable. I should look for one, now that I think of it.
Jerrymildred-thanks for info-i just tried something I read on leaf forum-took plug apart and spread the little spring clips that go around the 3 big pins-only spread them a little and now it plugs in a bit easier-thinking about maybe doing them a little more but will use for a while first-it is maybe 20-30% easier now.
Cool!! I was afraid that, if I tried that, they might go too far and it would be loose. Glad it worked.