Hi guys I stumbled upon a 2017 Prius rear bumper with the taillights still in it and wondered if I could convert my 2019 Prius LE to have the pre face lift rear end? Is it possible? Money isn’t a factor
I actually think the pre face lift taillights looks better than face lift... They gave the car a real distinction, which the new ones dont... Its rare i talk to someone that prefers the face lift taillights. Even people ive talked with that dont even like the prius said the pre face lift looked way better.
I much prefer the pre facelift rear lights too and I doubt I would buy another Prius now until the next generation as its lost a lot of its individuality. I have no idea how long that may be if they even make another Prius I also prefer the white centre console and trim too
Just looking at pics, you'd need more than the bumper, you'd also need the taillights themselves (they are not the same) and, most importantly, the hatch/tailgate! Unless there was a move to different bulb types (unlikely), the wiring connections should be the same.
Looking at those, in particular the "before", I can almost see the "design" process, adolescents trying to impress with french-curve swoopies. We were behind a white Bentley yesterday, rolling east along downtown Pender. Not a line outa place.
For sure. The pre-face lift models actually look different from the other cars in Toyota's lineup. I hate this single fact about cars nowadays: they all look alike. Is that a Camry or a Corolla or an Avalon? Can't tell the difference unless you are right up on it.