So i kinda wanna get an aftermarket exhaust on my Prius, i just got the Aimgain Type III front bumper and i may want to buy the Aimgain rear bumper as well (or the TK-R rear bumper). Wouldve been nice with a dual exhaust, do anyone got a clue what that would cost and where to get it? I know Aimgain can custom make exhaust, but that takes like 3 months just to custom make... And i already have to wait 5 months to get the front bumper (2 months to make the bumper on top of 2-3 more months because its container freight).
My buddy who goes by the name of @riceprius on Instagram just bought this rear bumper with exhaust system... Get in touch with him if you want to know who to buy it from. I guess they're being sold super cheap because there's no demand for older Gen3 body kits...
Ohh my god that actually looks awesome.. I was thinking some more of what TK Rocket has (he changed name to something else god knows when haha, he has the TK-R rear bumper with quad exhausts. But my god you really got me questioning with that kit... Imm ahit him up and see how its availability is.
Ohh wait, is that the dude with the eggs and milk sponsor ship on the door? That is frequently on "what did you do to your prius today"? @TheChip ?
LMAO, hopefully... I figured i might as well buy the front bumper now so its here whenever imma re spray the car. Cause thats gonna have to happen as well (still dont know if i wanna keep it black tho), it got rust on the front fenders, the hood got all sorts of scratches and stuff from rocks hitting it, original front bumper got all sorts of scratches, side skirts got scratches. The passenger door has dent thats been badly fixed at some point, rear bumper doesnt clip in correctly on the right side (which is why im thinking of a new rear bumper, even tho its easy to fix the clips on the bumper) and well i guess thats it exterior wise... It used to be a taxi until my parents bought me it when i was 16-17, so ive had it like this for 4-5 years (had absolutely no relaibility issues with it tho, its gone 345 000KM and its been super reliable). Now finally i got money to take care of all the exterior dents n scratches and the interior. The absolute moron that had it before didnt care at all how this car looked, im just amazed how taxi drivers in Norway can care THIS little about the cars theyre driving... Theyre supposed to be the role model on the road because theyre consonantly on the road, but theyre all worse than the average driver. I think the car will be "done" (a project car never gets "done" lol) in around October/November, hopefully lol.
Yea, i kinda just wanna do it for the shits and giggles, then i can put a small sticker right above the exhaust saying "Why do Germans fake exhaust when the ones on this prius are real?" lol
Yeah, I was referring to the photo of that nice exhaust system posted above. I could have worded it better... Thanks