Tesla Cybertruck prototype to be shown from June 20 to June 27 at the Petersen Automotive Museum. Tesla Cybertruck To Make Public Debut In Los Angeles
News is it's going to be built in Austin along with the Semi. Tesla chooses Austin for Cybertruck and Semi production Not surprised they chose Austin over Tulsa. I was hoping it would help get a dealership here but that's a pipe dream.
Last news was Texas wouldn't even let Tesla in the State !! Owners had to cross the border in order to buy a car. Reminded me of my father-in-law who lives in a dry county .... having to cross a county line, just to get a case of beer. Guessing that'll change for Tesla buying now - if it hasn't already. Who says greasing the palm doesn't work. .
They have a lot of "galleries" but you still can't buy one in Texas. In fact, like you told me last year, there are 16 states that you cannot purchase a Tesla. The are Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas. It's those dang franchise laws. It came up in the OK discussions for the truck and a bill was introduced to change the franchise law but it never made it out of committee. Here's a good (2018) article talking about it. Why you can't buy a Tesla in these states. It's online only for me which I don't mind, but I don't like having service 3 hours away, etc. Three hours away just for a test drive. We have a ton of them in OKC. I see 10 - 12 a day. I wonder, if I do order, do they prep it in Dallas first before the 3rd party people deliver to me, or do I get it raw as it was shipped?