Greetings from North Georgia! Newbie here. I bought a 2013 PriusV a year ago and am tickled pink with my auto. I don't even mind stopping for gas once a month for 9 gal worth of petrol. LUV the MPG!!! I've got rodents that don't seem to go away. When I bought the car, I notice a lot of cracked acorn shells in the engine bay. They had turned up even in the glove compartment until I removed the cowling below the windshield wipers that hide the wiper motor and linkages and found a HUGE old nest (minus the rodents) that I assumed was there because the previous owner had parked the car outside and didn't pay much attention to what might be going on under the hood. I had notice that something had chewed a golf ball size hole in the plastic panel in the vent opening area on the passenger side of the cowling and decided to start taking things apart to find out what was going on. I had assumed that a rodent(s) had chewed from the outside in but maybe they chewed from the inside trying to get out. I cleaned thing up pretty well and have been keeping a close watch on things since. I was changing out the aux battery a few days ago and noticed another empty nest in the spare tire bay. I thought it was odd that I hadn't noticed it before... or maybe I had simply overlooked it previously. I also noticed a few cracked acorns in the glove compartment once again and started looking closely all around the car. I took the liner under the front hood loose and found that something had been chewing on it from the inside and was now living close by. My auto sits outside as do most of my assorted vehicles. Is there something particularly attractive about the Prius that attracts rodents? I've never seen so much rodent activity in all my years of owning various cars. I had originally believed it to be squirrels but now I'm thinking mice. Am I the lone ranger here? Anyone else had this problem? No permanent damage so far... mostly missing insulation and the like but no wires chew thru yet. Any thoughts about how to stop my rodent problem? Thanks Puddin
Soy based insulation for wiring, according to numerous threads here. Wish there was some way to route power from the batteries to fry the creatures at various common entry points.
Christov Tenn: Thanks muchly for the tip on the rodents. What an unhappy surprise indeed. Its been a year since my initial discovery of rodents. OUCH!!! I removed the cowling once again and found yet another large, fluffy nest. I bored an inspection hole in the cowling beneath the passenger side windshield wiper spindle to accept a #7 rubber bung that I can remove easily... and will be able to keep an eye on the rodents' favorite nesting site while I apply some DeCon type pellets in the engine compartment and in the trunk. I will keep the Prius quarantined so that my cats aren't exposed to any poisoned varmints. I suspect that I have been driving around the last year with the same family of "munchers" on board, thinking that my problem was solved... and it clearly wasn't. God only knows where the rodents are getting all of their nesting material. I shudder to think about it. Any other suggestions I would greatly appreciate. Puddin
I only found out about my new-to-me 2016 (Three sedan w ATP) Prius' rodent damage last Friday afternoon. Dealer and insurance appraiser will inspect the vehicle for extent of damage this week. So bummed about this, but it may explain why rear dome light doesn't work and a couple of blivits r/t radar cruise control, lack of steering feedback w lane departure warning, and a past problem with HUD and back rightside door. And the persistent stench in the car. Have you checked with your insurance company to see whether they will cover thorough inspection and damage repair?
Ok. Had the same issue with my mother in laws Avalon. We used a high powered ozone generator multiple times to kill the rodents and the smell. It will also kill any bugs in the car. Cleanup the nests first. Remove any human food from car. Then run the Ozone generator on high for an hour with the ac running. This will move the ozone around the car. Make sure to ventalate the car after you are done as the ozone will also kill you.. Open the glove box and other areas affected when running the Ozone generator. Car will smell like new! Blue
To at least keep rodents out of the cabin, I put 1/4" rodent mesh in a couple of places so far: the cabin air intake (you likely need to take the wipers and cowl off for this, 3rd gen hatchback for sure) and the engine air intake. I've yet to do anything with them, but the cabin air exits (at the two aft corners, below hatch deck) are also cabin incursion points, kinda awkward to to screen though. We had a rat hanging out in our garage, and building a nest in the engine bay. Cleared out the engine bay nest, "thought" it was gone from the garage. Just happened to take over ownership of a Shiba Inu at that time, and he promptly showed us we were wrong about the rat having vacated the garage, gave him the bum's rush. No further issues.
There was what looked like a bite in our cabin air filter. It is a Fram Fresh Breeze model. Pretty cheap at Walmart. Just one bite. They may not like the charcoal/carbon taste, of any carbon impregnated filter by that matter....
My husband's friend has applied petroleum based rustproofing on his cars for over 50 years. My 2012 Prius v was rustproof in the first month I got it. Absolutely no rodent problem, although I have chipmunks all over the yard. Rodents absolutely hate the petroleum based coating all over everything in the engine compartment, on the chassis and in the hatch, rocker panels and door cavities.
Based on my experience with our 2012 Prius V, there are 3 areas which need mouse proof screens: the air filter snorkel, the opening in the firewall (under windshield cowl) that leads to the cabin filter, and the vent under right rear passenger seat for the fan that cools the hybrid battery. Mice like to set up residences in these 3 locations. After the screening is installed, I use an electronic noise maker/light flashing device under the hood combined with peppermint oil sprayed on cabin filter, 12 volt battery, tires and fender linings. So far it has worked but the real test will be this winter's cold weather when the mice seek shelter.