My splash guard (I think that's what they're called) has come off -- it's the piece under the front of the car, just in front of the left tire. It's supposed to keep debris from bouncing up into the engine. Car is certified pre-owned. Toyota wanted ~$400 to replace it. But the part looks to be around $50 and, with appropriate tools, should only take about half an hour to fix. Does anyone have experience replacing this? Or instructions? Or tips? Better to just pay the 10x cost to get dealer replacement or should I try it myself? Greatest danger is probably the car falls on me while I'm working on it.
It's usually just clips and/or screws that hold the plastic undercarriage pieces. If you have any mechanical skill, it should be easy to figure it out once you are under there. What is the price of that piece though?
I still can't post a link (just getting to 4 posts). I think it might just be the side shield for $40, but it's possible it's the center piece for $110, too. Clips are only about a dollar each. Part number looks to be 51443 47020 for the side shield
Why do you assume their username is from the Beatles? I can think of two songs off the top of my head with the lyric "coo coo ca-choo." In fact, one of them is titled that. And, it's "goo goo goo joob" according to the Beatles' printed lyrics.
Actually my name is from the surfer sea turtle from Finding Nemo. And some of the girls that I work with call me that.