Sorry, couldn't find en English version, but it reads: Day 10 of quarantine. The wife wants to take up gardening. No clue what she is going to grow. soon they forget those who fight for our freedom! The Red Shirt was Ensign O'Herlihy, and he SHOULD have kept his head down. For those that like to bend numbers..... STAR TREK Red Shirts Weren't Statistically the Most Likely to Die After All - Nerdist. Picture is from Star Trek TOS S1 E18...a fan favorite. LOTS of "firsts" in this episode for those that think that Star Trek is a documentary instead of fiction. Fun non-fiction fact..... Shattner, Nimoy, and Kelley all suffered from tinnitus (they say) caused by this episode from the explosives used to simulate the attack that 'got' O'Herlihy and Lang. They left the ship with three junior ossifers. Lang (Gold Shirt) Kelowitz (Blue Shirt) O'Herlihy (Red Shirt) THIS particular episode followed the convention of killing off the red-shirt early, but curiously the Gold Shirt (Lang) was 'got' as well. HE was a his PNOKs (primary next of kin.....or Gold Star family) get more bennies.
The rioting in major cities across the U.S. has spread to The Villages, Florida, a retirement community of 100,000. Looters in Florida’s friendliest hometown have especially broken into stores that sell items like laxatives, vitamins, hearing aids, reading glasses, energy drinks and surgical stockings. The thugs were easily caught and arrested since they were using their walkers and golf carts to flee. The protests have been limited to the evening hours because most of the lawbreakers either had doctor’s appointments during the day or rioting would have interfered with their naps. The marches didn’t last that long because many of the demonstrators had to get home to pee. In many cases, the demonstrators simply forgot why they were even there. Officials considered a curfew starting at 9 p.m. but since that’s the time when most of the residents go to bed anyway, it was decided that it wasn’t needed. Community leaders concluded that part of the problem was that residents were restless because they had too much time on their hands since the recreation centers, pools, theaters, boutique stores and especially the bars were closed due to the coronavirus. Community officials wanted to form a committee to look further into the problem, but the next day no one could remember why they needed a committee.