The first Feb allocation for Southern CA is for 136 cars. 88 are afloat and 48 are still in Japan, being loaded to the docks. Boats for ALL Toyota cars are 2/7, 2/11, 2/12 and 2/14 and no one has a clue what's on any of them. If I am lucky, this first allocation will bring me 3% of that 136 = 4 cars, but I have a few of the last 8 I was allocated still stuck in the pipeline - in transition of being on a boat STILL or in freight, so they will count against me, but that's every other dealer's problem too other than those with no cars in transition. ::sigh:: Dianne
As always, we all appreciate the information you provide, Dianne! Steve, any news on the Midwest allocations?
Dianne, My salesman from Santa Cruz Toyota called today and said there's a boat coming into Los Angeles tomorrow (2/3) and I should have my car by the end of the week. That doesn't jive with what you posted. I'm inclined to believe you. At least it will be here soon!
hmm There were cars on a 2/3 boat -- we were allocated those cars already down here and they were all sold. That's what I had on my last allocation - 8 cars from the 1/25 and 2/3 and 2/5 boats. There are many boats. I knew about those cars last week - around the 25th. he did too.
Is there anyone here who knows how to find out about the allocation for the Gulf States Toyota distributor? Any Prius-laden boats coming to Houston? Beth
Re: hmm I wish they'd start using a few C-5 Galaxies. [Broken External Image]:
We're going to get one regardless of how long it takes. We will wait for a 2004, 2005, or 2006, however we're hoping Dianne has her magic wand and waves it for a 2004. It is definately worth the wait. jaa
JAA-vol! Julie, based on what you want, your wait is not THAT long now. It's longer than I first projected, but it's that way with virtually everyone. :>
Re: 4 cars. That was just 4 cars on the first allocation of Feb. If they were bringing thr NORMAL amount of cars as they ought to be, I'd get 20-30 a month instead of 12. 4cars a month x 12 months= Im never gonna own one am I... ~ok..who do i need to talk to in Japan about getting some more Prius's over?????? im gonna need to start cashing in those favors at work to get some progress around here.. :cussing: haha..oh well..patience[/quote]
I understand Diane, I just hope all the hype of increasing production is true..and we can see some real concreate results....then all the tension and anxiety for everyone can just simmer down a bit and we can all just get along.... Never would have thought I would be so anxious for a car, worst goes to worse..i guess ill be in front for the 05's!!!!
Chicago region actually had 129 on the allocation - however 73 were for dealers (like me) that had zero in their pipeline. That left 56 to be allocated based on travel rate.
That's still a whole lot better than the last one, isn't it? Is there any indication the Chicago region will be getting more cars over the next couple of months? Someone somewhere must know how many cars Toyota is cranking out each day (or week) and how many are slated to be shipped to the USA and, eventually, trickle into to the Chicago region.
I am apparently one of the Chicago region 56. Got the "allocation" call today! My silver BC is on the way - dealer says 3-4 weeks. :multi: :clap: