Here in NJ is 82F at almost 6PM. I think that we had a high of about 84F today (with a lot of humidity). Being that it is 108F in San Antonio today, how hot are you Gen2 batteries?
I recall serving TDY for Exercise Red Flag at Nellis AFB in the late 80s. Red Flag was always held in the Summer. One time the pavement on the road was so hot that a Low Rider Cadillac got stuck on the center 'hump' in the road. We laughed our keysters off! That heat/humidity was brutal in the deep desert. By the way, what display page is that? I don't ever recall seeing this one on my 08 Touring. Thanks.
I do not know they have names, but I found it under Info -> Trip Information. It toggles between the one shown at the top of the post.
It says right at the top of the screen. The first screen in post #1 is the Energy Monitor screen. The close up of the top right corner in post #5 is the Consumption screen.
Wow that’s hot make sure AC always on. Going to lose alot of oem g2 battery’s in that area for sure. Double whammy ac has to be on high and very old hybrid battery in your g2 that has been cooking to death when the car was sitting idle. Jump in the car battery is very hot then hammer it with full ac load. Bet the battery fan comes on when you start the car. That would kill my prolonged battery that’s on life support. Garage will help though.
I appreciate these smart apps that allow you to control the fan. My Prius has operated very well in the high heat and humidity. Mileage has suffered (35 to 36 mpg in 100+ temperatures. Sometimes the car doesn't like sucking in hotter air, but otherwise it is going strong.
Well it hit 128 here last week. I wasnt driving the prius but I got a pic from my work truck at 125.. Some times I wonder why I live in the hottest place on earth....
Even though the temperature when I mowed this morning was only in the low 80's, I was drenched. Might have had something to do with the 90+% humidity. Still, I hate to think of the air conditioning load you desert dwellers have.
while the climate here is far from ideal, i have also wondered why people move to the desert except seasonally
Then on the other hand, I once heard a Californian talking about Chicago. He wondered why anyone would live in a place where, if they accidentally locked themself out of the house, they could die. Of course the same could be said of the desert when it's extreme. Me? I like snow. And I like deserts. I love the mountains. I don't like humidity. So, guess where I live. Sometimes I think God has a twisted sense of humor.
I loved Tucson when I was stationed there. Not sure how hot the flighttline was but the reflected radiation was sometimes a problem for air planes.