Hey, I just bought a ‘10 Prius off my mechanic. It was his car, that he bought off a customer of his. It has a big scrape in the door from his previous customer running into a giant mail box. He said it’s fine and isn’t leaking, and that I could replace it if I wanted, but that I didn’t have to. He’s super trustworthy but I wanted a second opinion. I feel like leaving it as is if it’s fine, but wasn’t sure if that would cause other issues down the line. Sooo...do y’all think it’s good to leave as is or does the rust and potential rain damage pose any threats? Pictures included below. Thanks! Also, the doors close perfectly fine and the locks still work on it.
A body shop would replace both of those doors. You also have a wrinkled rear quarter panel. But, as long as the doors are working, you could simply scrape the rust down to clean metal, then primer it and paint it so it doesn't get worse.
What Pluggo says. It's pretty impossible to do decent, reliable body work on a door edge. IF the doors work properly, scrape, prime, paint and drive on. Very expensive to replace those doors on your own dime...