<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> okay... so i'm supposed to cut a hole in the back of my lab coat? or what? i don't see a need to show something personal off, sort of like how i don't like to show off scars. i can see a dual reason for police officers not displaying tattoos... to maintain this level of "class" you keep talking about as well as to not provide additional means of identification by people who are out for a little revenge after an arrest or the like. having a tattoo has nothing to do with being a good guy or a bad guy, that's just ridiculous.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> I had feeling when I posted that list you would run down it and pick out some rowdy african americans. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> Plenty of them. I can hardly believe Michael Jordan would trash my house. How about Robert De Niro? Think he'd wear your shorts and put them back in the drawer dirty? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> Actually, I'm a retired Army MASTER Sergeant...big difference there. One thing the Army taught me was to not judge people by their appearance. Scars, tattoos, big ears, male, female, blackbrowngreenpurpleyellow...whatever; we were all green. As for "Impressing the guy writing my fitness report"? I advanced to where I was based on my merits, not kissing nice person or trying to impress anybody. Something being an Army Drill Instructor for 3 years taught me was to get a good feel for people and their way of thinking without knowing them for any great amount of time. My impression of you is that you like to stand high up on your ego, looking down on everyone else. I'll bet you never got into any trouble when you were a kid either... BTW, tattoos are an acceptable fact of life in the military and not frowned upon, even outside of your uniform edges. Unless they are of an offending nature, i.e. racial, nudity etc... <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> Well, if that's the case, you didn't hit the mark. I've seen your picture. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> There you go again with the "Everyone who has a tattoo is bad" thing...incredible. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> Sure, why not? To me, a tattoo isn't a sign of anti-social behavior. That's you, remember? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 7 2006, 02:08 PM) [snapback]329466[/snapback]</div> Again, that's you, not me. I go about my business. You make your own impressions of people in your own way and have to live with that. So, metaphorically speaking, I guess I can look at it in a positive light if you cross the street when you see me coming just because I have a tattoo...that means more room for me on the sidewalk. Maybe we (Tattooed bad people/criminal element/thugs etc) can all scare the hell out of you and everyone like you to a point where you'll just stay at home and shallow out your gene pool a little. But hey, it's a free country and you are free to think and express those thoughts. I know this as I defended that right for 23 years. This is going to be my last comment on this topic. Not because it's not a good topic, but because there's no debating bigotry with bigots...kind of like trying to sell God to an athiest...or a Prius to an oil baron. Later ITW
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Oct 7 2006, 12:38 PM) [snapback]329494[/snapback]</div> yup that's what you have to do! and at least a two inch border around it as well.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Inthewind @ Oct 7 2006, 05:49 PM) [snapback]329533[/snapback]</div> hahahaha....that was a great comment. i have to say thank you to you for rationally explaining the reasons why those who don't will resent those who do and why it's not worth the wind to talk them down...beautifully said. my husband is retired military (20 years) and he has two tattoos. i have 7, and one of them is on the back of my neck and has never been a problem. thank you inthewind for the open mind and eloquent response.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Inthewind @ Oct 7 2006, 02:49 PM) [snapback]329533[/snapback]</div> You're really pretty hostile for such a lightweight subject. Loosen up! You played the race card when I didn't even think of it. I asked how many of your list would you lend your house to, not two that you would. You had that list pretty handy so I'm guessing it isn't your research but that you just copied the names. You really admire all these people? Why? Is the tattoo the main thing? There are a lot of scumbags on your post, as well as some folks who seem pretty nice. I'm sorry about the Master Sergeant thing. Yes, I know the difference. In the AF we commonly used NCO and Sergeant to mean the level of enlisted rank. (The upper division.) No slight meant. We addressed a Master Sergeant as "Sergeant," but I think it might be different in the Army. All the attributes you so cleverly named are things one is born with except tattoos. The things you are born with are free from debate. The things you do to yourself invite discussion. Why else do you do it if you don't want people to notice? Don't be so thin-skinned when all the discussion isn't favorable. Sorry you didn't like my picture. Nothing too rude about that remark. You look like somebody really great? I never said "Everybody who has a tattoo is bad" so I can see why you find it incredible. You seem to have a hard time believing a lot of things. I'm not sure how NCOs were rated, but officers had to have fitness reports, like it or not. It had nothing to do with "kissing nice person" as you so cleverly put it. You really have a lot of anger about me. Why so defensive? Unless you are a member of a loud, tough-talking gang coming down the sidewalk, then I wasn't talking about you and your body art. Your angry attitude scares me, not your skin pictures. Try to read with a little more understanding of the words used. And finally, I'm a bigot because I mention some difficulties that tattoos might cause people! This the way you used to talk to your equals in the Army, right out of the chute? This is pretty common information. You don't like my opinion, fine. I've been wrong about a lot of things and don't mind changing my mind when shown. You're retired now, Sarge. Lay down the flamethrower and join civilian (civil) society. A real good clergyman often talks to atheists about God with reason, kindness and understanding, I think. Your bluster wouldn't convince me of much. The opinion I get of you is that you made life hell for those lower in rank than you who found themselves in your sights. I'm probably as wrong about that as you are about me and my "ego." But it's fun to call names, isn't it?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Oct 7 2006, 12:38 PM) [snapback]329494[/snapback]</div> No, don't cut any holes. I was talking about people who HAD to wear a coat to hide the tats. You know that is not ridiculous. There are places that won't hire applicants with visible tattoos or excessive body piercings. Seen any bank tellers with tongue studs? The scars are a guy thing. When I enlisted, the medic asked how many scars I had. He told me the AF and Navy required 1, the Army 2 and the Marines 3. I believed him! You're absolutely right. Tattoos don't make you good or bad. I was speculating on the reception that tattoo owners will receive in everyday life. Nobody ever been rejected for anything because of tattoos? If this is true, then I am wrong and will get "FOOL!" printed on my butt. (Private showings every Friday by reservation!) As the best expert we're likely to find here, do you have any opinions on the hepatitis remarks posted here?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 8 2006, 01:50 AM) [snapback]329696[/snapback]</div> depends on what you do for a living. work in customer service? you're probably going to have some limits. when i worked retail in college i was cussed out for dyeing blue streaks into my hair and had to bleach it out. in academia you probably won't have a hard time with piercings, tats, or unnatural hair colors. good mechanics are very hard to find. you think a shop will care if a guy has something non-vulgar on his arm if he can fix a car? in moderation i don't see many problems in certain fields. my area of specialty is definitely not virology or immunology so i'm no expert. but pubmed (pubmed.gov) and i are friends, and given the interdisciplinary nature of my field i did have to learn the basics of viruses (know thy enemy) to understand how we develop antiviral therapies. from reviews on pubmed- hep a and e are spread through fecal-oral transmission. neither lead to chronic infection. hep b: spread through needles, sexual contact, and blood products. hep c: one of the major causes of posttransfusional hepatitis- can be transmitted through needles and blood products hep d: only exists in the presence of hep b infection, relies on hep b surface antigen to establish infection. hep f: really isn't much out there about this virus, but from what i see the candidate virus appears to be enteral like a and e. hep g: often concomitant with hep b, c, or hiv infection. little evidence exists that this virus causes liver disease. it replicates in the lymphocytes, and is correlated with prolonged survival in hiv patients. b and c look like the major contenders here for tattoo parlor related liver disease based upon this information. there is a widespread immunization program for hep b out there, so if you're immunized that's out. and the cdc's current stand is that the risk of hep c infection from tattooing alone is very low. not to say there aren't risks you take, but if you go to a place that uses the proper sterilization techniques the risks are low.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Oct 8 2006, 09:35 AM) [snapback]329752[/snapback]</div> Thanks. That was a good "Virus for Dummies" explanation. I've heard a lot and never knew what was true.
Well I don't generally have a problem with a tattoe or two, but I did find some examples where they may have gone over the edge a tad.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alnilam @ Oct 11 2006, 01:22 AM) [snapback]331033[/snapback]</div> excessive cost of healthcare
I met a girl the other day she bragged about having 3 tatoos & 27 piercings. :blink: :blink: I counted total of 14 both ears combined, 1 tongue, she claimed 2 in each nipple and the rest somewere else... :huh: I thought OMG! TMI! (disgust) :angry: I did laugh to my self because when she walked away I thought of clint eastwood (she clinked when the walked) :lol: :lol: Man talk about going to the extreme.... But for those who are just too curious.... http://www.bmezine.com/pierce/bme-pirc.html http://www.infinitebody.com/
Maybe this tattoo fad is just one more reflection of society's slide into primitivism, barbarism and self-indulgence. Can you tell I don't have a tattoo?
or maybe it's one more reflection of self expression in this country, or in my case, expression of pride in having overcome such insurmountable odds.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Oct 13 2006, 04:31 PM) [snapback]332460[/snapback]</div> Let me guess - you have a tattoo, right?
I don't like tattoos, I do think they look trashy. I don't however begrudge people or think less of people because they have them, thats just silly. I think plenty of other things people wear, do, and say look trashy too LOL
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Oct 19 2006, 01:52 PM) [snapback]335144[/snapback]</div> As they say, undress for success.