One thing I can be sure is that the noise or sound is from the driver side, either front or back. The sound is like dogs howling. I looked on my left and right while driving on the freeway, around 70-75mp on cruise control. I listened closely to where it is coming from but the sound seems to follow me. But it did went away for some time. However, I heard it again and this time around 20-25 miles away from where I heard it. I pushed the button for closing the windows just to be sure those are closed tightly. The sound was still there. The sound was not there at lower speed. I got home and checked the bottom of the car to be sure nothing is being dragged. Nothing there to my relief. I drove around 80 miles today, round trip. My PiP, over 150k odo mileage. does have the anti-roll bar/TRD rear sway bar installed. Any ideas what caused the howling sound?
Wheel bearings. They start silent, proceed through dog and usually wind up at WWII bomber drone before they come apart.
So would that be all four of them since the maintenance records does not show those four were replaced? I am assuming those four are already near its lifespan. Thank you.
That's certainly possible. I don't think I'd discourage you from just doing all 4 on such a high-miles car. They can be ventriloquists anyway, you swear it's the left rear and it turns out to be a different one. Do them all and there's no labor time lost on the hunt and you get a silent car after.