Not sure if this is "performance" but it sure is more than "appearance". I just got the 20" Arm/Blade assy from Sigma and tried taking the old wiper assembly off the shaft/motor. Removed the nut, then tried to lift, wiggle, etc. to get the OE arm to release from the shaft. No Joy. Has anyone else done the replacement and had this problem? When I lift the OE arm assy the shaft comes right along with it. Maybe I'm too timid but I don't want to damage anything back there because I think replacing the seal/motor, etc. could be more $$$ than I've bargained for. :blink: Anybody with a suggestion or just tell me that in your experience the OE arm was a real tight fit. Thanks. Happy Holidays to you all.
also when you have the little black cover off it do the 2 minute mod and have the arm stand up so you can clean the window.
I got it to come off. Used a hammer with a wood block over the shaft. The arm assembly I got from Sigma stood up without any mod. (Unless I'm missing somthing.)
Ok so the end of the arm where it connects to the motor shaft doesn't use the origional black plastic cover?
Ok.. I put both of mine on today on my two cars. I really like them!.... you want to position them in the exact same spot the old ones were. They both came off easy... I just used a simple pair of pliers and put them on the "wide" setting and put one end of the claw tip onto the tip of the threaded bolt and the other claw on the base.. I came right up with just a "little" persuasion! I noticed the little threaded shaft was already starting to get a little rusty deposits on them... so I put a little lithium grease on them. the wiper assembly comes with several adapters for many different applications. The one for the prius is the smallest one. They also went to the trouble to mark that fact on the back of the package also. Once I got them installed I went ahead and trimmed a tiny bit off the tip... not so much because I "had" to because even without doing so, it missed the paint by about 1/8 inch and barely went off the glass. By doing the little trim job, its now perfect... it now goes literally to the edge of the glass and now missed the paint by about 1/4 inch. Once sitting in the car and actually using them.. I really now feel the view has opened up!... you may think two inches on the one end is no big deal, but keep in mind its the outside swath of the wiper and so alot of glass is now cleaned that wasn't before. I now feel like I can see out the whole back without hindrance. I think the 19 inch ones would have been about just as good as the 20 since there is only 1/2 inch difference on either end between the two, but I still like having the 1/2 inch addition I got with the 20 inchers. I highly recommend them. They are also a higher quality silicone wiper than the stock was. I think its worth the money.
It appears that thread is gone or the link is bad. I know I saw another rear wiper mod that involved a stock arm from another make/model, but I cannot find it using search after an hour, so Now I'm asking. Can someone please post GOOD links to this information?
OK - so this morning I saw another Prius with a completely different rear wiper mod - in stead of a wiper blade, there was a black plastic cat. It was sort of evil looking and I wish I had my camera with me. Has anyone else just completely removed th erear wiper? If so, what did you replace it with?
Has anyone else just completely removed the rear wiper? If so, what did you replace it with? I saw a black Prius in the Ramsey Pathmark parking lot with an evil looking black plastic cat on the nub. Has anyone else seen that one, and maybe taken a pictures?
I noticed that thread was gone too because I couldn't find the photos I posted. But here they are again. I installed a rear wiper arm from a Toyota Sienna minivan. As you can see , it's straight, not bent like the standard Prius arm. This allows it to wipe to the bottom of the window. You can see the difference in my photos.