We have a 2013 Prius Plug-In, and it's run fine even after leaving it untouched for a few months at a time. However, in the last two months, it's stopped being reliable. It's parked in our covered garage, but it just doesn't come on every so often. First, it was a one-off, and a couple of hours later it turned on just fine. The next time, nothing helped – we had to get a towing car because jumpstarting wouldn't even work. He drove it to the garage and they replaced the 12v battery, claiming that this was the problem. Now it's dead again... despite the new battery. None of the interior lights were on, and only the daylight running lights outside. We looked in the trunk and my husband noticed what looks like some kind of animal droppings – maybe that's a hint to what's wrong? However, I should note that while the engine didn't turn on, I did get all sorts of dashboard indicators... sometimes all of them, sometimes just the check engine light, and when I tried connecting it to the charger I got a big orange triangle with the exclamation mark to flash furiously. The charging indicator next to the plug never lit up however. The problem is that in the city that we currently live, they don't even carry the Plug-In, so I'm not sure how familiar they are with this model. So before I get it towed to the garage again, it would be really helpful if one of you could give us some suggestions of what we should be looking for to locate the issue. Can it really be that a new 12V battery fails within the first month?
My husband just pointed out that they didn't actually replace the battery. On the bill, they wrote "found dome light left on and battery dead, charged battery to resolve. Tested ok". He also mentioned that for all we know, the droppings could be years old. We have parked the Prius in a closed garage for the last 3 years, but before (when we still lived in California) it was parked outside. I'm not expert enough about animal droppings to date them, and we rarely open the hood to be honest...
Suspect the "tested good" battery first. Lead acid batteries never truly recover from a complete drain. If it were me, I'd get a new 12v battery and battery tender (charger) and install both of them. Make sure you have a good method to remind the operator to detach the tender before driving.
the only advice we can really give is to either test the battery or replace it. assuming it is original, you are better off replacing it. if that doesn't fix it, you would have to have toyota retrieve the trouble codes. it is possible that mice gnawed some wiring, but the likely culprit is the battery, since it worked after they charged it up. if you're not driving much, get a maintainer too.
This. And if it really is the original 12 V battery, just replace it. 7 years is near the outside end of life for them.
Don't overlook the fact that both batteries receive a full charge when you plug in. After you disconnect, the traction battery can work hard to keep the 12v battery charged- even if the 12v is old and failing.
The only time the 12V battery is charged is either when plugged in and charging the traction battery, or when the car is in "Ready" mode. So if you're not driving regularly (less than once every two weeks or so) you're probably better off maintaining the 12V battery by other means.