I bought my Prius c4, almost six years ago with 3 miles on it, but haven't ever had a need to post here or ask questions until recently when my GPS started acting strange. Now that I've established that I have had an issue with it, I found a thread where someone else experienced something similar, but I cannot post a link to the video I took of mine acting strange. So, until I'm able to share links, here I wait and have many a sarcastic thought. I was looking at rocker switches on aironboard and noted they have one for "pig lights"... can anyone please explain to me what those are used for? sarcastic replies welcome! my guess? you turn those on to alert others on the road that there's a cop nearby.
Exactly how is the GPS "acting strange" ?? Every one I've ever owned has acted "strange" in some circumstances. (And there have been a LOT of them.)
my new member status on these forums won't allow me to share links... Look up a website called Cocoscope via your favourite search engine... On the Cocoscope website in the search bar type "GPS", at this time of posting this reply, my two videos come up first...
Do you know where the GPS antenna is for that system? Ours did not come with GPS. I added an aftermarket system that uses the navigation services of an attached smartphone. I know some native GPS setups use a rooftop antenna co-located with FM & SXM antennae, some have it on the front hood cowl edge, and still others have antennae built into the dashboard, just under the (radio transparent) plastic skin. They get a good enough view of the sky up through the front windshield and cost a lot less with hardly any cable to run. I mention this because I see you've got a few things on top of your dash, and it occurred to me that they could possibly impair reception if your antenna was the in-dash kind. I just don't happen to know what kind Toyota used for the navigation-equipped trims.
OR you could just TELL us what the problem IS. You have probably expended more time and words NOT telling us. It is YOUR problem. I for one am not going to go chasing all over the place trying to get the detalis. I don't even know that site is safe. Good luck.
To be honest, this thread I started was a throw away, to help get the required number of posts so I can be a viable member of this site... 1. Cocoscope was created be a YouTuber was demonized because YouTube didn't like that she got over a million subscribers in a matter of months... All because she was using her "assets" for views... So I guess it's not "safe"... 2. I didn't go into details in this thread because I needed a certain amount of posts to be counted as human, not some bot trying to sell something... 3. The problem: I set driving directions from Southern Washington to Woodburn, Oregon... I know the route, but I didn't know the exact mileage or time it takes to get there in no traffic, so I put it on the GPS, muted it, got my coffee and drove... 3a.) I looked down, and it said it was recalculating my route, and that I was driving off the 205 freeway south and on a side street, but I was in the fast lane, cruise control set at 66, on a part of the freeway that's been established for years, so it's not new construction... 3b. I unmuted the GPS, grabbed my phone and I record the results, I never planned to share the results with more than my friends, but I wondered if anyone else experienced this, so I went on here and found someone who did... However articulate I can be, I wasn't at two in the morning and promised them I'd get them the video... 4. Your tone is hostile and I'm not asking anyone to fix this, I simply wanted to share my experience with another member of this forum... Thank you for your post though, your feedback is what it is...
No, I don't know where it is located, but I'll look it up, hopefully a notepad and a stuffed turtle beanie baby isn't enough to throw off a GPS antenna...
In support of the issue. My 2013 Priuc C had the same symptoms as this person posting where the GPS would take off on it's own route. At least it started that way and got worse. I've been working with GPS systems for 15+ years all over the world for work mostly surveying applications and GIS. It is not normal for a GPS system to take off in a completely wrong direction for several kilometers and not be able to find it's way back. It is not normal for a GPS system to suddenly jump to a different country. Unless you happen to screw with the datum being used which is not something we have the option to do with the GPs in the cars. Mine started in a similar fashion as shown in the video links. It isn't just a little drift. It would turn when I didn't, carry on straight or take off in a completely different direction when I turned. It was intermittent too. Some days it was fine and other times it would take off on it's own journey and sometimes wouldn't fix itself until my car had been off for a day or so. But it got worse. It started jumping to various parts of BC or WA all by itself. I got hopelessly lost one day when the freaking thing took off across the border. I ended up buying a map at a gas station. Given my car was only months old at the time I wanted Toyota to fix it. It was really hard to get them to listen and take it seriously so as soon as it would jump I would have to park if I wasnt already parked and take a photo for toyota along with google location to "prove" it. Even when I showed the photos and location 40+ km away in the mountains where there are no roads they told me it wasn't possible and it was just normal drift and blah blah. No one at Toyota has ever seen this problem.... I had to go to Toyota 3 times to demand something be done. First they tried software reset. Did not work. Next they tried replacing the antenna. Did not work. Finally after shutting down the mansplaining and escalating the issue they finally replaced the antenna and head unit and in the 5+ years since I've never had the issue again. I believe the person posting that this is not normal behaviour. For me Toyota replacing the head unit appeared to work.
Do you know where our GPS antenna is located in the Prius C? In your opinion, given that mine has only done this three times is it worth replacing, especially since it's probably out of warranty? I never meant to hijack your thread, only show that you're not alone in the issue, even if it's long since been resolved on your end...
Given what you have now told us......I'm kind of sorry that it was not MORE hostile. I don't appreciate people being deceptive and wasting my time in the process.
If you read my original post, I'd said that I was waiting to share my videos once I could share links, I never asked anyone for help with this issue, you took that responsibility on your own... My question was about the pig lights... Let's come up with a compromise... The internet is a big place, why don't you go your way and I'll go mine? It's clear you're an intelligent person, know a lot about cars, find me to be a waste of your time, go help those in need... I'm solid here... Enjoy the rest of your days, and find peace...
It's got to be for texas buyers, feral hogs are a hazard of offroad vehicle activity through much of the state.
Being originally from Scotland, I've never heard that this was a problem in America... I just imagined people flipping that switch at the first sign of a cop, you know, to let others know don't drive like a d!ck just now, there's a cop nearby!