Write up: How to access Bluetooth settings while the car is moving. (Non display unit)

Discussion in 'Prius c Audio and Electronics' started by iceman13, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. iceman13

    iceman13 Member

    Feb 15, 2017
    2014 Prius c
    When I’m traveling with my wife she sometimes likes to connect her phone to listen to her music, the problem is that usually that happens when we already are on the highway. . As you know it’s not possible to access Bluetooth settings while the car is moving. It is a very annoying inconvenience, but there is a very simple fix.

    First you pry off the trim surrounding the radio, it’s very easy because the clips are kinda weak. Then the radio unit has 4 screws, two per side, holding it in place.

    After removing the radio locate the large connector in the back of it shown in this picture.


    Then you must remove this cable circled below. This cable is the one that tells the radio unit that the car is moving.


    I didn’t want to cut the cable so I just removed the cable from the connector. To do that you must first lift a tab in the connector that locks ALL the pins, then you must insert a very small screwdriver in the hole with the tab that holds the specific pin you want to remove.

    Below is the locking tab that must be lifted. You don’t remove it completely, just lift it until it gets to a stop.


    Below the arrows are pointing at the two rows of holes that you insert the small screwdriver to remove each pin. As you can see the actual pin connector is below each tab hole. You lift the tab and pull the cable and it should come out provided the main locking tab is properly lifted.


    Then just wrap the pin in electrical tape, plug the connector back in the radio and install everything back.

    I believe this also must disable the ASL function that adjusts the volume based on the speed you are traveling, but that feature really didn’t make a big difference. It’s a very small trade off in my opinion. Must people likely have it off anyway.

    Hope this helps some of you.
  2. ImDBatty1

    ImDBatty1 New Member

    Jul 8, 2020
    Pacific Northwest
    2014 Prius c
    I've wondered if there was a way to bypass this, thanks for the detailed write-up with pics!
    iceman13 likes this.