I've looked around this forum, very much a newbie when it comes to cars, but is this what catalytic converter theft looks like? See video for sound, and photo for the bottom. I can't quite get under it and apologies for the dirty street but you can see three wires hanging down. Photo attached Video (imgur link ). This sound starts a second or two after the car is started and seems to continue indefinitely.
Those wires did not disconnect themselves. Which means someone else did disconnect the wires. In combination with the loud exhaust noise causes me to conclude that your catalytic converter has been stolen. Take your Gen2 to an exhaust shop, mechanic or dealer. Then, you can get some detailed pics of the destruction. Sorry this happened to you. Where in NY are you from? I thought the Prius cat stealing was a west coast phenomenon (apparently not).
Thanks. This was in NYC Harlem. Police said they hadn't seen it before, and were reluctant to file a report, but then again if they never file a report how would they know how much of it happens... Couple follow ups for anyone knowledgeable: 1) Why does this mostly affect Gen2? Are later gens better secured? 2) From a search, looks like there is some extra welding or protection that can be built in with the new one. Does this really work and does insurance usually cover this?
I thought the pattern was more related to areas where they are least likely to get shot in the act. England first, then U.S. places with stronger gun control or sparse carry permits, then branching out from there to areas where supplies of victims still remain. The east coast certainly has plenty of qualifying areas too.
I know this was from a little while ago, but I own a 2004 Prius in Harlem NYC and just had my catalytic converter stolen. Did you ever end up filing a report? I'm wondering if I should, and how rampant this is in my neighborhood (I'm near Jackie Robinson Park in Harlem).
How frequent? Not as. Your part of NYC is a little different than LA at night, since it's part of the "city that never sleeps." LA is a little more suburby....and the quieter streets make it easier to throw out an overwatch, and yank the cat. IIRC even though NY is a CARB state, they're not THAT CARBy. I remember reading that there's at least one aftermarket cat that's legal for youz guys, although you may not be limited to that one choice depending on what the smog Nazis are like in your part of NY. The last time I bought a cat the supplier only stated that they would not ship to Caly. ...they didn't mention NY. Cats are cheap. Even if you live on free soil and a trip to the VET involves a sick animal, I'd encourage you to install a catalytic converter...and get on with your life. Maybe put a sticker on the rocker panel stating that the catalytic converter has already been stolen. Good Luck!