My 2010 Prius with 106,000 miles was making this leaking sound by the brake pedal yesterday I started to drive it home and the entire brake system had a complete meltdown and I lost all braking ability on the highway. The dashboard lit up and the abs and the abs and brake lights came on accompanied by beeping. It was pretty terrifying. I'm waiting for the dealer to look at it but based on my reading it sounds like a brake Accuator failure. It's insanely expensive to fix and almost died as an added bonus. Do others agree based on the video?
The verdict from the dealer is failed brake booster and master assembly. There is an extended warranty for 10 years or 150,000 miles but according to them I'm out of warranty by 21 days and my final bill is $2,300. Absolutely ridiculous.
Did they talk to Toyota, maybe a 50% goodwill discount, something like that? You hear that a lot, doesn't hurt to try.
I'm going to try that after the holiday. It's upsetting because we could have been really hurt in a car with no brakes and I've maintained this car like a baby for 10 years