Yesterday the wife said, "Straighten out, you are heading for the tree." But I knew better and then I hit the tree. I was in reverse and confused Tree A with Tree B and now there's a slight indentation in the rear bumper. Would there be a way to restore it back to normal or to near-normal?
Picture would help, but in general the bumper cover is made of a semi flexible plastic and if it's not cracked, sometimes using hair dryer (or a heat gun) will pop up the indentation. It is much easier to do this if you first remove the bumper cover off and give a slight push from the back side of the plastic. Without this push, you may need to drill a hole and pull the indentation, then fill the hole with body filler and repaint. If it is cracked, then you can do similar but will need plastic weld to repair the crack. At that point, it may become easier to just buy a new bumper cover and paint to match the body color and replace the entire bumper cover.
I see this repair all the time on youtube. Heat gun is for the pros. But the rest of them just pour hot water over it, often from a coffee pot - to show they're not really trying hard. Then a toilet plunger is used to suction on to the dent and pull it out. Be aware though, I sometimes see this in the "like a boss" compilations, but also often in the "best fails of ..." compilations. So YMMV. Good luck!
Will try for a photo later today or tomorrow. For now, let me ask: How to go about the task of removing the rear bumper cover? There's a little scratch to one side of the bump but I didn't see a crack. A close look might dash that but I'm hopeful. Will first simply try the heat gun and see how that goes. Thanks for replies. Very helpful!
I can't resist a shot: these %|!*£> fairings don't deserve the term "bumper", they're exactly the opposite.