I just purchased a 2013 Prius C Three and am going on a business trip soon for a month. My question is: Can I still start and drive the car after leaving it in the parking lot for a month without any problem? Will the battery die (I know there are 2 types of batteries in the car, but not sure how they really operates)? If the battery will deplete when I am gone, anyway I can maintain the charge or how to I recover it when I come back? Thank you In Advance.
I left mine in the garage when I was away for four weeks earlier this year, and there was no problem when I got home.
There are no old Prius c yet, so your 12 volt battery will be fine. As it ages, the length of time it can sit drops. By 5 years old, 3 weeks is pushing it. The HV battery is good for at least 3 months.
If you have the Display audio/nav in the C as I do in the Prius 3, you can turn off the smart key system and it will help the 12 vlt battery by not continually searching for the smart key. When you return just use the mechanical key to open the door and hold the keyfob to the start button and turn on the car and turn on the smart key function again. At least it will take some of the strain off of the batt.
yes, and no. if the 12v is good, no prolemo. i have left my 3 different pri for up to 6 weeks every year for the last 9 years. if the 12v is marginal (and this can sometimes tho rarely happen when new) it could be dead when you get back. either way, have a back up plan. triple a, or a friend with cables, etc. all the best!
I'd seen that in one of the other threads, but I'd call it a procedure rather than an option! I was thinking more of the under-dash switch on some earlier models, or the Display Audio setting, neither of which is in the c. I do have your instructions tucked away in case I ever need them, though.
Interesting. I thought the HV is the one that started the engine while 12v just powered the computers. I was just going to ask if there was a way to disable using EV for a short time before powering off the c when storing a few weeks so HV would be fully charged. I know NiMH batteries should last several months if fully charged.
There are elaborate disconnects on the HV battery so EMTs are not electrocuted while the car is off. The 12 volt system, not so much, it leaks while off. (Dome lights, alarm lights, emissions tests, brake tests, etc.) https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/Training/AFV/Emergency-Response-Guides/Toyota/Toyota-Prius-C-HEV-2012-2014-ERG.ashx