I bought my 2005 Prius in April and I will be putting it to sleep in June, due too a deer jumping into me tonight on the highway. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Such a shame for you, the car, and of course the deer. At least (I assume) you're alright - no injuries.
Oh no..... You must feel awful, though I’m glad you’re physically okay as your Prius protected you. There’s nothing worse than buying such a reliable and unique vehicle, realising what a wonderful experience driving a Prius 2nd Gen REALLY is, discovering it’s one of the truly hidden treasures in the motoring world and you’re now part of a privileged motoring elite who have knowledge of something a disproportionately large number of motorists world wide remain blissfully unaware of. Here is a vehicle that you now realise puts other cars half it’s age to shame for too many reasons I won’t go into here. You know what I’m talking about. That smooth ride and comfort. The way you don’t so much as start it with a crude chatter of an over laboured starter motor, but bring it online with the simple push of a button. The amazing fact that you’re already silently moving off down the road before that Atkinson Cycle Engine spools up seamlessly like the impulse drive of a Star Trek Shuttlecraft. Paradoxically, looks like one too! You’ve marvelled at the somewhat retro but fully functional digital dashboard, and that oh so useful touchscreen Multi-Function Display centred strategically in the middle of your cockpit. You’ve realised, and come to appreciate the sci-fi sense of humour the designers of your car had putting it together. And they did a great job. Driving it down the road, cruising along the highway with that overtly step less Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD) drivetrain, you realise this is a very large cut above very many other conventional vehicles. Yes, it’s a car too, but yet? It’s so different, it might as well be imported alien technology from another Galaxy far far away. And then that damn Deer takes it all away...... It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all. May the odds be forever in your favour, that you’ll find another Prius to fulfil your motoring needs. Now that you’ve tasted the future, it’s hard to step back into the equivalent of medieval motoring. Glad you’re safe. iPhone 6s +
One of those things that almost compels you to say, "Aw, crap!!" Hope you were at least able to get some venison for your trouble.
Any chance you had full coverage on the car? In this case, a comprehensive will cover it or collision? You can't press a charge against a deer or his/her family member... so, maybe an uninsured portion of the liability... maybe not. Sorry for the loss. R.I.P.
That can all be repaired, it is not a total and can be used without the title being turned to salvaged. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Hey! I just bought a 2006 prius that also has deer damage very similar to yours! I almost thought that you may have been the person who sold me it! My Prius also has a red triangle, the 12V is dead as a doorknob and, the catalytic converter needs replaced and did I mention it's burning oil and may need an engine overhaul. Yep! I hope to have it fixed up and working sometime this year!