Since I am going to be doing a series of soundproofing videos, I thought it would be easier to post them all in one thread. More videos will be updated as time goes. This is my DIY take on doing soundproofing for the Prius. Initially I wanted to get this done by professionals but after doing some R&D, I decided to do it myself. Do take note I am just an amateur. I am no soundproofing expert and some of these may not be the correct way of doing it. Please feel free to comment and correct me. After all, this is a platform for us to learn from each other. Part 1 - front bonnet soundproofing:
Part 2 - underwheel or wheel arch soundproofing: Part 3 - underwheel or wheel arch soundproofing (continue):
So according to your disclaimer then, you will be fully responsible and liable for any damages for other vehicles owners who follow your instructions?
Interesting. Thanx for posting this series. What brand of sound deadening mats (with foil) are you using? It's not Noico, Kilmat or Dynamat. I didn't see you using a roller, so I am assuming you are using self-adhesive absorptive / anti-rattle mats.
Out of the 3 types of mats that I used, 2 of them are 3M. One more is unbranded China brand. Err..I do use a roller. Haha..didn't have it in recording while I am using. Thanks for the reminder, I will show me using the roller in my following videos.
Actually, the garage needs sound deadening. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the music is there to washout the family noises in the background.
Yup.. I have a neighbor with 2 children that like to scream. So I have to add a bit of music. And yes, I have already set the music volume to very low. Maybe I will put it even lower on my next video. Thanks for the feedback.
I figured it was something like that. In any case the videos are very informative. I am in the process of doing the same thing. So far I have only installed sound deadening the cargo area of my Prius. Your, videos are giving me ideas of how to proceed with installing sound deadening to the forward cabin area and wheel wells. Instead of undercoating, I was planning to use Second Skin Spectrum. I am also looking at replacing my OEM tires with quiet treads, such as the Bridgestone Turanza Quiettrack, for additional noise reduction. BTW have you had a chance to take any noise measurements? If not, can you provide anecdotal assessment once you are finished with your project? (i.e. rough before-and-after comparison of perceived noise levels / percent reduction).
Ah..thanks for the reminder. I actually wanted to do the before-after comparison but I forgot about it. I need to find a road where I can do the test. Some roads are still very noisy and some are not noisy. Depending on the condition of the road. Mostly due to me not going out due to current covid-19 situation. For the past 2 months, we had limited movement control in our country.
I can imagine. They started to ease restrictions here in the states, then discovered that it may not have been such a great idea - mostly because people around here are lazy about using PPE and maintaining social distance. They have that "it can't happen to me" mentality. You cannot do anything other than a subjective test without pre-installation data to compare. All you can do is make a qualitative rough comparison to the level of noise you remembered in the past. But that's still better than nothing.
I would be interested in that as well. If you did this in stages, i'd also be interested in where the most benefit came from.