Hi I just received my 2020 Prius LE AWD-e yesterday. First time Prius owner. First time hybrid owner for that matter. Any cool features that you came across as you started driving and getting comfortable with your Prius? Again novice newbie and tech newbie here so no response is too elementary. I just learned how to put the car in park and drive and reverse yesterday! Different than most traditional cars. Also keep in mind I am coming from a 1999 Honda Accord.
Congratulations on the new car. In Colorado, you may have some hills/mountains to go down and be able to utilize the "B" mode - but for the most part you are better off letting the car decide how to maximize MPGs and just drive...
1) If you tend to run accessories while the car is not moving (parked), you will want to keep the car in READY mode rather than Accessory mode. The Prius 12V battery is not robust enough to run accessories when the car is parked. In fact, the car will shut off if left in 12V only mode for a short period of time. 2) Don't bother with the EV Mode button. The car will use EV whenever it can anyway. 3) The DRIVE MODE button switches between ECO, NORMAL and POWER. These modes change the sensitivity of the accelerator pedal to control how quickly you launch from a stop. NORMAL should be fine, but if you like "jack rabbit" starts from a stop light, try POWER.
Thanks, krmcg. I used the B mode going downhill today. It definitely slows the car much more than when I downshifted in my Honda Accord. Nice feature. Fuel miser: Is Ready Mode the mode one normally uses when engaging in regular driving? Should I keep it on Ready Mode when car camping and needing the heat or ac on overnight? Does anyone know if the 2020 LE AWD-e has any of these three features: 1. Homelink garage door opener 2. wireless charger 3. ability to unlock the non driver's side doors or trunk while the key is still in my pocket. I was able to open the driver's side door automatically without pressing on the unlock doors button on the key fob. But not the passenger's side door or the rear doors or cargo door. Thanks.
No for all 3. Those 3 items are available on the XLE AWD-e. However, for SKS, you can change the parameters such that unlock the driver's door will unlock all doors at the same time.
Thanks Tideland Prius. Smart Key System is so cool! I now know how to unlock and lock doors using just my fingers rather than the key fob. p. 181 in the 2020 manual for those that are curious. I also learned about the mechanical key in case the battery in the fob dies. How long does the battery usually last? How expensive is it to replace one and does one have to do that at the dealer?
Np. It’ll last several years. If the battery in the fob is low, touch the back of the fob against the POWER button to start the car (in case you’re away from home when this happens). No need to go to the dealer. You can take the fob apart and check the battery number and then just get it at a battery shop or electronics shop. Fun fact: the fob has a cut out for the mechanical key to insert so that you can twist the key and split the fob apart instead of trying to split it with your fingernails. I haven’t seen the AWD-e versions in person but thus far, every Prius (except the Gen 1 sedan) has had a place to store the tonneau cover under the floor so no need to keep it in the garage.
Yes, a big green READY light appears in the display. It means you're ready to drive. As far as camping, search the forum for threads. Unlike older Prius, I believe the newer cars will not let you keep the car in READY when parked for long periods due to the possibility of getting carbon monoxide from running the gas engine to keep the big battery charged. Not sure of the parameters though. I've never kept the car in READY long enough to run into this behavior.
The 2016 does it fine - but someone posted in the last week or 2 that it's possible to do it with the later models. From memory (dangerous, never trust an old memory!!!), it was something like - if locked from outside with the physical key, or from inside using the inside driver's door lock control.
I remember that, too. And just about as clearly. It seems to me that locking the doors from inside while in READY will let it stay in READY until you shut it off. Aaaannnnd, a quick look in the manual reveals ...
I've used that method - locking the door with the mechanical key to keep the AC on for the dog while I run into a store.
Yep - I believe it was slang, but now in Webster's Dictionary: Forgettery | Definition of Forgettery by Merriam-Webster BUT - it's not in the SCRABBLE Dictionary - Forgetter only .
Yep - it's a word now. But Forgettery isn't in the Oxford English Dictionary - but they did add 650 words last year: