Hello Everyone; I have a 2012 Toyota Prius Plug In Advanced, ever since I got a flat right tire the following idiot lights have been on Check PCS System, traction control symbol, and cruise control won't work now, There has to be a way to hard reset the system, Does anyone know how to do it, disconnecting the negative battery terminal does nothing.
Maybe the wheel speed sensor got damaged somehow? I think you'll have to look at the fault codes with an OBD2 scanner to get more info about the problem.
Have no clue but do you know if there is a hard reset? I don't trust Toyota Dealership, bunch of young guys and they said it would cost $1600.00 and they weren't sure if it would fix problem, I have a good OBD2 scanner but it won't scan my prius
It measures the speed of the wheel They are required for ABS, traction control and VSC. You need a functional OBD2 scanner to clear any fault codes, but it would make more sense to read them first.
try another dealership? you really need the codes. who fixed the flat and put the wheel back on? maybe have them take another look. wiring harness can get damaged
It's a year later still have the same lights on; Check PCS Light, Check Cruise Control, and Traction Control Light. Dealer last year 2020 said it needed Clockspring and Spiral Cable which is basically one unit that comes together, it was replaced, still have all 3 lights on, taking it to another Dealer.
'Clockspring' and 'spiral cable' are just two names different people use for the same part. If you have been to a dealer, they should have used Techstream software to scan for codes, which will have found all of the codes, and they should give you all of the codes they retrieved, so you can post them here and we can start to figure out what is up with the car.