I have a 2006 Prius and just replaced the hybrid battery through Toyota. When I picked up the car the display had 1 blue bar for the hybrid battery cells. After driving it about 5 miles the display now shows 4 blue cells. I expected the display to show all of the bars full up when I picked it up. After calling I was told that I need to drive it around to get a full display. Any thoughts Priuschat?
The SOC displayed will generally stay near the middle, unless you're descending a longer hill where it will obtain a full 80%. Which dealership, and what was the approximate out the door price?
Yes, it is normal. The computer that manages the hybrid system keeps the battery at less than full so regenerative braking has a place for recovered energy to go. That's why, as stated above, the battery will only fill during long down hills. The system will then use that energy fairly quickly to again make room. Also. it is better for the battery's long term health to operate this way.
2004 171k just replaced 1 module... 3 days ago drove approx 60 miles, all appears fine. blue. bars staying in the middle , charged almost full green on down hill. Question is there a techstream reset needed ? not the window reset. but something for ecu's or ? a reset procedure came up for gen1, holding start button in for 30 seconds.... ??? wondering if gen2 needs some sort of reset after hv battery.. . only weird thing so far is after getting gas, the first 10 mile trip avg read 65 mpg.. lol???
As mentioned, it's perfectly normal. The car wants to keep it at six bars. That gives reserve for the battery helping with acceleration and deceleration. No. Just put in the battery and drive it when everything is reassembled. After a few minutes the ECU figures out the levels in the battery and will accurately monitor and regulate the state of charge.
How much did the dealer charge you out the door to install a new toyota battery please? And my wife see's green driving around town all the time. No hills here. The telling sign of a new healthy battery is to hardly ever see one purple bar like sitting at a light or in a fast food drive through.
Thats what we call here a whack a mole repair job. Stop gap at best it but really would help if the entire battery was then charged up as a whole using a Prolong type charger to balance the pack. But don't be surprised it it soon fails again because you used another old module to replace your old module except that old module just hasn't failed yet. There all the same age. Old. Classic Craigs List repair.
Standard gasping price of 3. I have very low miles and GB seems young I’m not comfortable with risky ventures such as - my battery will probably keep working.