Gas engine dies in the middle of driving

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by momef, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. momef

    momef Junior Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    2003 Prius
    Hi all
    We have a 2007 Prius that we got a couple of years ago secondhand. We're driving it in Oklahoma, and as I recall, I think it's not lived in the north. We got it through a local mechanic who knows how to service hybrid batteries, etc. I think he had reworked it some before we bought it, but I had the understanding he got it from an auction or similar.

    Last fall in October, I had the car gas engine die while I was driving a couple of times (once while I was on the interstate!). I found that if I pulled over and restarted the car, it would work again, even though the red triangle was on. The mechanic got the codes, but it didn't give a clear idea of the problem. He sent us to the dealership. They had it for a week or more and couldn't replicate it either. And once I got it back, it never did it again until about a week ago.

    We suddenly had really hot weather (high 90s), and when I ran a bunch of errands with my teenage son, it did it at least 4 times in one or two days and did it again on the way home from church on the weekend. A couple of times, it was within a few minutes of starting the car, but definitely not every time. Thankfully, it hasn't happened when on a highway. The electric motor is always enough to help me get safely to the side of the road. I turn the whole car off and back on (even quickly) and as soon as I've done that, the gas motor will work as usual.

    I took it back to the dealership on Monday (the mechanic said he would be out of the shop all week). They can't replicate it. The codes don't lead to a clear solution. But the service person says that the mechanics are saying that they've solved similar problems by replacing the gas tank (to the tune of $1050 parts/labor). He says they suggested it last fall, but I didn't hear it (hubby says he recalls hearing it as a minor suggestion). (Side note: It's my regular driving car -- hubby drives it extremely rarely, and I'm more mechanically inclined than hubby, but I don't get talked to about it seriously very often... aggravation!)

    Sound familiar anyone? Does this sound like an appropriate fix or just a huge waste of $$? I only drive it a 16-mile commute 4 days a week and local errands (up to 25 miles away from home) with the rare trip (rarer because of COVID). It doesn't scare me to keep driving with it doing this, but I figure I should get it fixed sooner or later...
  2. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    The codes point exactly to the problem. You just don't have a hybrid capable code reader. So whoever that mechanic is please avoid as they have no clue.

    "And as i recall its not lived up north"......... what does that mean?

    "The electric motor is always enough to get me to safety"....yeah but it hammers the already crappy rebuilt hybrid battery and that's not going to help. It really takes it toll on that battery. Its not a magic carpet ride something has to pay for that ride free ride.

    You most likely have a failed inverter coolant pump. Put the car in ready open the hood open the cap off the inverter coolant reservoir and look inside with a flashlight it should look like its got some circulation in the container meaning the pump is working. Yours will just be sitting there.

    Please be aware unless you had a brand new factory hybrid battery installed ($$$$) you are on a ticking time clock of hybrid battery failure.
    Please use the search forums tab up top and search:

    hybrid battery and then inverter coolant pump which is the #2 most published post. #1 is a bad hybrid battery in a G2.

    Good luck.
    George W likes this.
  3. momef

    momef Junior Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    2003 Prius
    "up north": We bought the car used. I didn't get a full, regular carfax on it, but I got something and I think it's mostly been owned in the southern states. For some vehicles or problems, this is helpful information.

    The code that the dealership saw simply says that the gas engine failed to start. P0A0F. No other codes. As I recall, it was the same last fall - just the one code. This is a big reason they're not sure what's going on, especially when they can't make it happen again even though they have it for days. Last fall, I had the mechanic check it also, and the same result. They hadn't told me the code yet - that's why I didn't know it - I got it today when we picked the car up. They definitely knew it - had mentioned it, but I hadn't written it down before.

    I only use the electric motor to get to the curbside as quickly as possible - less than 100 meters. Just to a safe enough spot to park long enough to restart the entire car. Are you telling me that I'm ruining the battery just doing that??

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say about the hybrid battery. You're sounding blustery.

    The (pink) inverter coolant was definitely circulating/turbulent as soon as I push-buttoned the car on.

    So far, this thread is the only one that sounds a bit like mine as far as what is going on and the codes that are seen. I do feel like it drives just the slightest bit like a gas-only car that has a spark plug misfiring at times. Most of the time when it jerks ever slightly, it's switching between using and not using the electric motor per the screen - so I don't know what it is.
  4. momef

    momef Junior Member

    Nov 1, 2015
    2003 Prius
    Update for anyone curious. About a year ago, the dealership changed hands and a lot of staff changed. Was able to tell a mechanic directly what was going on, and they replaced whatever computer component controls the switching back and forth between the electric and gas engines ($800) and it never occurred again...
    Then just before the new year (about 4-6 months later), another vehicle on the highway lost control, ran into us, and the Prius was totaled.
    It was a great car - I miss it - but I'm really enjoying my low-mileage 2010 I finally found to replace it.
    bisco likes this.
  5. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    thanks for the update, sorry to hear it.
    get on the egr right away!
    all the best (y)
  6. Kaptainkid1

    Kaptainkid1 Active Member

    Mar 13, 2019
    Los Angeles
    2009 Prius
    I had similar problem and it turned out to be cracked rubber hoses connected to the top and bottom of my throttle body. 1st hose is connected to PVC and the other is engine block. Both hose hold engine air pressure and can cause your symptoms.
    ****These hose generally get over looked because they are covered in black foam pad which can hide the Crack rubber hose. It's air leak in the system and needs to be completely sealed.
    Hose 1 and 2 can be replaced Fairly cheap with aftermarket rubber hose found at Autozone or O'Reilly.
    I would report miles and year of car and any maintenance records to help troubleshoot problems..
    My problem started at 200k my 2009 Prius is 13 years old. Problems can trace back to age and mileage.
    Also 2nd Gen Prius tend to be very bad oil burners after 150k even with regular oil changes. So poor maintenance exacerbates the problem. My Prius is burning oil at the rate of 1 quart per every 1000 miles. I just fixed this problem last month. Since the Prius only holds 4 qt of oil the engine can burn all 4qts between oil changes and once the oil lights comes on it too late and your engine can blow up with no oil.
    *****The Prius could be shutting if you have low oil too. 20190808_194557.jpg 20190818_150122.jpg

    SM-A526U ?
  7. ForAMorePerfectCommute

    ForAMorePerfectCommute Junior Member

    Jan 19, 2017
    Central Florida
    Other Non-Hybrid
    This problem also happened to my 2009 several months ago. I was able to restart the car immediately and get it home.

    The car had the code for a throttle body actuator, so I cleaned off the visible gunk (not too gunky) on the throttle plate and haven't had the problem since.